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Thursday, 14th Mar

09:00 - 09:05

Welcome at the FOSSASIA Summit 2019!

09:05 - 09:15

The Lifelong Learning institute and council promote lifelong learning mindset among Singaporeans under the SkillsFuture. 

09:15 - 09:30

10 years and back to the future! A lot has happened in 10 years and a new generation of technologists and developers is growing up and participating in the community. What are the challenges today and how do we connect them to the previous generations of FOSS developers?

09:30 - 09:50

10 years FOSSASIA

09:50 - 10:05

State of Open Tech

10:05 - 10:25

Security vulnerabilities are almost a fact of life. This is why system vendors are increasingly relying on physically separate chips to handle sensitive data. Unfortunately, private keys are not the same as your private matters. Exploits on your local device still have the potential to grant bad actors access to your screen and keyboard. This talk introduces the Betrusted device as a possible remedy. Betrusted is a physically separate, trustable display and keyboard directly connected to a secure enclave. This talk concludes with a brief exploration of some of Betrusted's goals and design features.Project page: https://betrusted.ioSocial media:

10:25 - 10:40

As scientific endeavours require an open mind, science is to be shared openly.  The mission of a science centre is about science communication with the purpose of opening the mind of people with evidence based information. Scientific information, discoveries, and inventions should be treated as an open source to benefit as many people and sectors as possible. In my sharing, I will give a general reflection on how SCS started supporting FOSSASIA and the event has grown over the years to not just open minds but also open eyes for people to see possibilities otherwise untapped if the initiative was only for a closed community. 

10:40 - 11:00

Enjoy your coffee and tea!

11:00 - 11:15

Technological advances in the last decade have led to a resurgence of interest in AI for solving critical business problems and enabling new & transformative business models. Along have come common fallacies in the implementations of AI systems leading to mounting technical debt and infrequent, unsustainable deployments. IBM has brought together a set of industrial AI capabilities and tools that provide a robust open AI platform for the enterprise, built to consistently leverage a wide choice of open source libraries and data science runtime environments. Do not miss this session on the latest IBM announcements bringing AI capabilities to the data -- wherever it may exist in hybrid and multi-cloud data estates -- and infusing the trust and transparency needed from industrial AI into any business processes with confidence.

11:15 - 11:30

Open Source Hardware and Education

11:30 - 11:40

People often speak about THE open source community but there are actually many open source communities which differ in a number of ways, including aspects related to technology, processes, governance and philosophy. Each open source community has its own culture and norms. In this talk, we'll talk about open source culture and community norms and discuss how to get started contributing to open source. I'll use Debian as an example of one open source community but the lessons learned will be applicable to other projects.

11:40 - 12:25

2009 Obama promised a New Era of Openness. The idea was that openness prevails. Talking about the Freedom of Information Act at that time Obama said that openness "means more than simply informing the American people how decisions are made." It also means recognizing that the government doesn’t have all the answers. To that end, he directed members of his administration to "find new ways of tapping the knowledge of ordinary Americans" — scientists, educators, entrepreneurs — to find ways to solve the problems of our times. While his message as the US president was directed towards Americans, for the FOSS community, developers, designers, content creators, makers, entrepreneurs and of course companies active in our community “openness prevails” has always been true. Openness for us is not just an idea to access information, it is the basis for amazing collaboration models in the FOSS community.

At FOSSASIA developers work across time zones, countries, and continents and anyone can join development. Imagine how difficult it would be to develop our products if we had to get everyone to sign NDAs and Copyright agreements. This would cause a huge overhead, but there are different models and possibilities to how what extend openness can prevail and in this panel we would like to get insights into how open development, open communication, open tools and technologies, open knowledge and open collaboration has benefited organizations and work of our panelists.

In the second part of the panel we would like to talk about the future. What are plans of panelists for the future in their organization in regards to opening up and creating new opportunities? And in the bigger picture how will society change and open up and what opportunities and challenges lie in opening up areas of society? Panelists will answer these questions from their specific point of view as managers of a large tech corporation, successful Open Hardware makers, representatives of a community driven Open Tech company, or a manager in a computer processor company.

12:25 - 12:30

The Summit 2019

12:30 - 13:30

Join us for a community lunch and celebrate 10 years FOSSASIA at our summit opening 2019.

13:30 - 13:55
Every single day we are making rapid progress in the field of AI / ML. What does it mean for a news media company? The core business of SPH is news. We have many publications like Straits Times, Business Times , Zaobao, Berita Harian, Tamil Marasu. We publish in English , Chinese, Tamil and Malay. We have many journalists , editors and sub-editors. They all work hard to create high quality and engaging contents for our readers. Contents are in text, audio and video. There are many manual work that we do in every day life. For example someone writes stories in English and then someone else writes the same story in Chinese/Tamil/Malay. We consume external feeds from other news agencies , we manually sift through them to assign them as per themes like sports, fashion etc. While writing stories we spend time in thinking about the keywords for the article so that it can be searched online. We record interviews and then try to listen It to write stories. Now all this are time consuming, our creativity is lost in doing manual work. How can AI help in automating all this manual work. ? How can AI help us to automatically translate article in one language to another language, how can AI help us in converting raw data into readable text, how can AI help us in suggesting keywords for out articles? I will try to cover some of the key initiatives at SPHTech that we are driving in the area of AI for the newsroom.
14:00 - 14:25

Microsoft’s commitment to openness and collaboration is ingrained in our day-to-day approach to doing business alongside open source industry partners as well as communities around the world. Microsoft not only releases key innovations as open source for others to use and build upon, it also contributes code and thought leadership to open source communities.

Surprised to hear that? Come learn more from Sindhu Chengad, OSS Lead at Microsoft

14:30 - 14:55

Blockchain can do for business what the internet did for communication. Powering that transformation is Hyperledger, hosted by The Linux Foundation. Innovators in finance, banking, healthcare, IoT, supply chain, manufacturing and technology are creating open, standardized and enterprise-grade distributed ledger blockchain frameworks and code bases to produce tangible business results. In this session, we will discuss IBM's Blockchain strategy, from its ongoing contributions to the Linux Foundation Hyperledger project to how it is helping clients build, grow and accelerate Blockchain networks.

14:55 - 15:20

Flowchain aims to implement a blockchain that can provide a distributed ledger technology for the IoT and AI. And Flowchain already proposed the virtual blocks technology that can ensure chunked data (data streams) transactions in a near-instant manner. Furthermore, the virtual block technology can integrate with IPFS, an emerging distributed storage blockchain and can work as an off-chain mechanism to transfer your digital assets from one trusted party to another. In this presentation, Jollen will show the implementation of a distributed storage using Flowchain and IPFS open source technologies.

15:20 - 15:40

Enjoy your coffee and tea!

15:40 - 16:05

When you build a serverless app, you either tie yourself to a cloud provider, or you end up building your own serverless stack. Knative provides a better choice. Knative extends Kubernetes to provide a set of middleware components (build, serving, events) for modern, source-centric, and container-based apps that can run anywhere. In this talk, we’ll see how we can use Knative primitives to build a serverless app that utilizes the Machine Learning magic of the cloud.

16:05 - 16:30

Quantum computers are not just science fiction anymore, with many companies building increasingly more powerful quantum computers. While, concepts in quantum computing have been around for over 30 years, but it hasn't been generally accessible until recently. Despite this quantum computing is still very much in its infancy and there are physical limitations preventing them from being generally usable. But the machines that are available today are useful for experimentation and showcasing certain applications where they will be useful.

Open source software for quantum computing has started being developed as these new machines are being built. Learning the lessons from the history of developing classical computers, there are already several open source SDKs, languages, and libraries being developed for quantum computers despite the current limitations of quantum computers. This means as the technology matures and becomes more practical there will already be an open source ecosystem for using quantum computing.

This talk will provide an introduction to the basics of quantum information theory, look at some of the quantum computers out there, explore the open source tooling available for quantum computing, and show how you can use that to write your own quantum programs and run them on simulators and actual quantum computers.

16:30 - 16:55

With the introduction of DevOps, organisations have become more agile. Given the scale and velocity imposed by processes and today’s threat landscape, this also means that organisations can no longer depend on the existing approaches – especially for cybersecurity.

Organisations need to look beyond the current practices and enable a ‘secure by default’ posture. This can be achieved in two ways: by distributing more responsibilities to development and operations teams, and by embracing continuous delivery of applications on newer platforms. Some security practices include:

  • Permeate security across the organisation. A prudent security posture, including processes and tooling, will permeate the organisation. An adoption of company-wide initiatives, for instance, could be enabled by security teams, but may not be necessarily manned by them.
  • Bring in the developers. The inclusion of security practices and guidance within the application development lifecycle is key. What this means for businesses is to make that inclusion without a significant cognitive overload to the developers themselves.
  • Use automation to improve defense posture. To reduce cyber risks, organisations will need to repair vulnerable software through automation – this means that patches are applied as soon as they are released. Repaving servers and applications will also help organisations remove any malware that has already gained access to their systems and prevent them from penetrating the same systems in the future.

In today’s DevOps era, cybersecurity should no longer be at the back burner of any business. Relooking at cybersecurity approaches will enable organisations to reap positive outcomes such as faster responses to business needs and crises caused by incidents or disclosures, and prevention of cyberattacks. 

17:00 - 17:10

What does the UNESCO do with FOSS? What is the interest and goal of the UNESCO to support FOSS? 

17:10 - 18:00

The theme of the FOSSASIA Summit 2019 is "The Future is FOSS". FOSS - Free and Open Source Software stands more and more for Free and Open Source Solutions. At FOSSASIA we are not only developing software, but also hardware, content and complete solutions following a model of free and open development. But, is the Future indeed FOSS? Is FOSS mainstream already in many areas and does it mean it will be also mainstream in other areas? Is it possible that trends also go in another direction where developers follow a more closed source approach in some areas again? What opportunities do really exist in other areas like hardware? In this panel we hope to get ideas for answers from our panelists.

Friday, 15th Mar

09:00 - 10:55

Get hands-on with Kubernetes and learn to effectively manage networking, security, user access, maintenance, performance and scale. This workshop is perfect for developers who are already using Kubernetes and those that want to learn from the pros. Join this workshop led by Kubernetes experts to create and deploy your own cloud-native microservices application to IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.In addition, we will discuss how Knative provides developers with the building blocks for serverless platforms to run on Kubernetes.

* Audience: Developers

* Keywords: Knative, Kubernetes, Open Source, Containers, Serverless

* Prep Videos:

   * Kubernetes:

  * Knative:


* Bring a laptop wit full access. The installation of software is required for this workshop.* Sign up for IBM Cloud before the workshop:

10:00 - 10:25

An internet kiosk is a special use case. A single computer is shared by an indefinite number of users. Lots of security concerns arise. In Asia and elsewhere multiple non-latin languages have to be supported. We decided to create a custom lightweight distribution, Meilix and a generator web app that allows you to preconfigure an ISO with the wallpaper and desktop settings in place.

10:30 - 10:55

It is impressive how much time and resources a team can save by using the OBS infrastructure to manages their packages creation and distribution. OBS is a generic system to build and distribute packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way.

Andrew Lee will cover the benefits of using OBS, explain some of it features and workflow for all your packaging and releasing needs, like automatically build package from scratch on multiple target distros and architectures, and show you how to setup OBS infrastructure to build your own Debian based distro easily.

11:00 - 11:35

Guide on customising Debian image to use in your project with Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone.

11:05 - 13:30

In this workshop participants will learn how they can understand the data they have, apply this information to build and run optimal machine learning models, and then operationalizing AI to continuously understand, improve, and explain outcomes. In the hands on lab we will be using data science workbench to explore, model and deploy a machine learning model and then monitor the model for performance, accuracy, and fairness.

* Audience: Data Scientists, Application Developers, Domain Experts

* Keywords: Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Python, Rest API, Machine Learning, Trust and Transparency, Object Storage, Watson, Studio, Watson Openscale, AI


* Bring a laptop wit full access. The installation of software is required for this workshop.* Sign up for IBM Cloud before the workshop:

11:40 - 12:05

This talk will begin with a brief introduction to the problems which revolve around the software build space from the perspective of the developer and the perspective of the system integrator. Then we will present the solutions we've come up with in the BuildStream project; which is now used to build the base Flatpak runtimes and GNOME releases. As this will be a brief session, we will try to discuss the build space in the abstract and hope to raise awareness through the Q&A session.

12:10 - 12:35

After 3.0 release, an overview of current achievements and ongoing work at VideoLAN on the most popular multimedia player.

13:00 - 13:25

As PayPal has transitioned  to a cloud-native environment, Web Engineering team has led the Node.js Docker effort in revamping the deployment architecture for all applications built on Node.js.

Using Docker allows for immutable, composable Node.js deployments in a nice declarative fashion. In this session, we'll cover Docker image best practices, container startup and process management, signal handling, and mounting files .

The presentation will focus on how the Docker can help soften some of the rugged parts, while maintaining great Developer Experiences.

13:00 - 13:55

This panel discussion is convened by UNESCO under the umbrella of the United Nations 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages. It will bring together indigenous young activists, specialists of languages and FOSS to raise awareness on the challenges affecting indigenous people in the region, in particular their languages, and to discuss the importance of technology and FOSS for preserving and developing indigenous languages.

It is our goal to engage the developer community to develop innovative applications as open source by leveraging open data and knowledge-sharing. With the hackathon we support the dissemination of good practices with regard to indigenous languages and increase access to multilingual information and knowledge.

"Languages play a crucial role in the daily lives of people, not only as a tool for communication, education, social integration and development, but also as a repository for each person's unique identity, cultural history, traditions and memory. But despite their immense value, languages around the world continue to disappear at an alarming rate. With this in mind, the United Nations declared 2019 The Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019) in order to raise awareness of them, not only to benefit the people who speak these languages, but also for others to appreciate the important contribution they make to our world's rich cultural diversity." (

13:30 - 13:55

Do you use kubectl ? How efficiently you use kubernetes? In this talk, I will give you the tour of some of the most powerful, interesting and less-known features of kubernetes command line i.e kubectl. While preparing for CKA(Certified Kubernetes Administrator), I found some of the commands very interesting and worth to share with wider audience. This will not just unleash the power but, these tricks will help audience to learn new things about kubectl which will improve there productivity with kubectl. Talk will involve things like how you can set editor of your choice for kubectl, how to learn about kubernetes resources using kubectl only and lot more cool stuff. This will also useful for the people who deal with OpenShift CLI (oc).

The FreeBSD Project is an old and well-established open source community. With volunteer developers around the world, handling security advisories in a timely manner while respecting third-party embargoes poses unique challenges. This presentation introduces the FreeBSD security officer team and the processes in place for handling security advisories affecting the FreeBSD open source operating system itself and the third-party components the project distributes.

14:00 - 14:25

The TeX environment has grown slowly but steadily to a huge collection of programs, fonts, macro packages, support packages. Current TeX Live ships about 4Gb in more than 3500 different "TeX Live packages". As teTeX stopped to be developed and supported several years ago, TeX Live has taken over as the main TeX distribution in practical all areas, not only on Unix, but also Mac (MacTeX is based on TeX Live) and is also gaining on Windows (where MikTeX is still strong).

In this talk we recall shortly the history of TeX Live, its transition from CD/DVD based distribution to net based distribution, and the difficulties one faces when distributing a considerable piece of software to a variety of operating systems and hardware combinations. Topics touched are cross-platform distribution, security, release management etc.

Furthermore, we shortly will touch the topic of re-distributing TeX Live into Linux distributions like Debian, Red Hat, SuSE. Integrating TeX Live into any distribution is a non-trivial task due to big amount of post installation tasks that have to be performed. Although over the last years the quality of packages has improved, we (TeX Live development list) still get often bug reports that stem from incorrect packaging.

No doubt Open Sources technologies are leading the IT business. Every day we hear about Open Source implementations successes but also fails. For what reasons? Mostly because companies were unable to build a sustainable Operation Model including 24/7 support, upgrading strategy and so on. The reality is: not everyone can be an Open Source Technical Leader and Operation Manager have to deal with people with different skillset from different places and cultures. In this topic, I will share my experience building Operation Support teams in large international companies. How we filled the gap between high-level expertise needs, real-life people and a... tight budget of course! We will see why OS Model is so valuable by leveraging partners and communities inside and outside the company.

Join us for the Codeheat Awards

Will AI Replace Developers?

14:30 - 14:55

The upcoming VLC 4.0 will finally have support for the next-generation open-source Wayland display protocol. We will discuss the key points to consider when porting a native application to Wayland through the example of VLC.

Targeted audience are managers, system architects, system administrators and developers of Linux systems in small to enterprise sized environments. Networked Linux machines more and more take over tasks formerly executed by Mainframe systems. With those tasks also comes the workload which has to be managed and automated. New technologies like Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Big Data also require the execution of numerous programs interconnected by dependencies and synchronization needs. To manage those workloads, the use of Enterprise Job Scheduling or Workload Automation systems is self-evident in Mainframe environments for decades. In Linux environments this software class is not widely spread and automation is done using cron, built in scheduling functionality of systems like ETL tools and a bunch of scripts. This creates a numerous amount of problems regarding transparency, maintainability, stability and efficiency. One reason for this development was the lack of an Open Source Workload Automation System able to satisfy the demands. Since 2013 the schedulix Open Source Enterprise Job Scheduling System closes this gap and gives an extremely powerful and reliable tool into the hands of Linux system administrators and software developers. The other reason is the lack of knowledge on this software class and which huge benefits job scheduling systems can deliver. This talk is aimed to change this and to give the audience an introduction to what schedulix can do to establish an efficient, reliable and cost effective IT Workload Automation.

Within a given company, there are typically only a few people involved in deciding which FOSS projects and initiatives to support financially. This year we decided to change all that and democratize the decision making process. We set up an internal FOSS Sustainability Fund, and invited everyone to participate in the process. This talk will examine how we got executive buy in for the fund, how the fund was set up, how we encouraged participation, and what the impact has been so far.

This talk is about how the analytical features of the CMS are implemented and thus talks about the different metrics provided by the CMS Webapp. This also explains how the entire UI of the Webapp was revamped for the powerful use of various filters that were implemented and the search functionality to easily search for the required skills.

This also gives an insight about the enhanced power to the skill creators about the rating their skill is receiving so they can improve it and correspondingly act according to the user feedback.

14:30 - 15:15

When you have a data-centric problem to solve and you look for a technology to support you with this: The machine intelligence landscape can be overwhelming.

I analysed the landscape using a data-driven approach and condensed the outcome into a consumable form.

Additionally, I came to the conclusion that there is a set of questions you have to ask yourself to make the best possible choice for your situation.

This talk will cover these questions and present the analysis results on the basis of these.

TL;DR: With this simple talk you will know which framework / toolkit / library is best suited for your problem. Machine Learning Consultants hate him! 

Coding a WCAG-compliant website is achievable with minimal expense & minimal impact on usability with some basic guidelines and strategies. In this talk, Aayush will highlight the entry barriers to accessibility, helping you with the tools required to analyze your website to make it WCAG compliant.

15:00 - 15:10

Join the FOSSASIA Hackathon at the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit with UNESCO, build awesome apps, games and personal assistants improving people's lives and tackling sustainable development challenges for indigenous people, and win awesome prizes! As part of the celebrations of the International Year of Indigenous Languages the hackathon takes place from Friday 15 March to Sunday 17 March 2019 at the Lifelong Learning Institute in Singapore.

We are specifically interested in applications and games, that tackle questions of indigenous people and their languages and solutions which could be replicated in other countries solving challenges for indigenous populations such as:

  • Localization, geolocation, Internationalization and multi-language search features of existing software, e.g. Open Event, Badgeyay, Badge Magic or any other FOSSASIA app
  • Implementation of new skills in different languages in voice applications and smart speakers
  • Solutions, apps or skills to increase cooperation around indigenous languages, e.g. implementing a website bot
  • Apps for learning or reading in indigenous languages using chat interfaces
  • Implementing translation tools, glossaries, e-dictionaries in a personal assistant
  • Solutions for providing greater access to scientific apps in indigenous languages, e.g. for Open Science apps like
  • Apps and experiments for promoting scientific knowledge in indigenous languages using different media, images, voice, audio, videos etc., e.g. using
  • Games solving questions and challenges related languages, indigenous topics, cultures and science

It is our goal to engage the developer community to develop innovative applications as open source by leveraging open data and knowledge-sharing. With the hackathon we support the dissemination of good practices with regard to indigenous languages and increase access to multilingual information and knowledge.

    "Languages play a crucial role in the daily lives of people, not only as a tool for communication, education, social integration and development, but also as a repository for each person's unique identity, cultural history, traditions and memory. But despite their immense value, languages around the world continue to disappear at an alarming rate. With this in mind, the United Nations declared 2019 The Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019) in order to raise awareness of them, not only to benefit the people who speak these languages, but also for others to appreciate the important contribution they make to our world's rich cultural diversity." (

We are inviting developers, designers, open source contributors, bloggers, journalists and all FOSSASIAcommunity members to be part of the Hackathon. The hackathon is open for all and awesome prizes are waiting for you!

15:00 - 15:25

Bare-metal provisioning in data center normally covers the server, computing, and storage nodes. Open Network Install Environment (ONIE) is an open source initiative that defines an open “install environment” for bare metal network switches [1]. ONIE allows users to have a choice among different network operating systems, and also to keep the network configurations. In this talk we introduce the way to use Clonezilla [2] to deploy the systems for the whole cabinet, including the ONIE network switches. This presentation will give you a picture about how to fast deploy the system environment you need.



Containers are everywhere, but do you know how to create the rootfilesystems that they use?  There are simple tools available to createyour own custom Ubuntu or Debian root filesystem.  By using these tools to build environments matching your needs, you will end up with a better understanding of how containers are built - and how to debugthem - as well as gain access to more options that can speed up your own builds and testing.

In this presentation, I will show the debootstrap and multistrap tools and provide worked examples on how to avoid their gotchas and end up with a bootable root filesystem.

The talk will focus on SUSI.AI Web Clients and the migration to Redux from conventional Flux architecture based stores, alongside ReactJs. I am hoping to cover the following points -

  • Introduce the SUSI.AI architecture in brief and begin by introducing the SUSI.AI Web Clients and the purpose of each of them.
  • The current stack and implementation of the web clients.
  • State the reason and advantages for the migration, and how would it be the best-fit.
  • The directory structure and coding pattern that we use for this implementation and how it is scalable.
  • Discussion about the middle-wares used while setting up the Redux store and the helpers used for making API calls.
  • How Redux solves the problem of carrying out actions asynchronously and update the UI state of the application.
  • Briefly mention about the slight differences in the  implementation in the chat application and CMS would then be followed.
  • Will conclude the talk about the future plans that we are trying to implement for the SUSI.AI Web clients, that would include setting up a common repository for making the UI components for SUSI.AI to be built using styled-components.
  • Also mention the channels through which the developers can reach out and start contributing.

15:10 - 15:20


For the expected outcome of the hack, the applications or games shall help to provide greater access to multilingual information and knowledge and enable knowledge-sharing and dissemination of good practices, specifically with regard to indigenous languages. All work shall be FOSS/Open Source and use or connect to FOSSASIA projects (APIs) and technologies to improve people's lives and tackle sustainable development challenges.


An important point is, is the prototype or showcase functioning? We prefer real code and design implementations over mockups.


Please submit a link to the app, a Github repo link and a short presentation as a download or on Google drive (ensure it is set to public sharing). You can also share anything else to demonstrate your work and let us test it.

  • Video: The platform accepts links to YouTube, Vimeo or Youku. If you like you can post a short video to demonstrate your work.
  • File Upload: There is also an option to upload a file. The platform allows submitters to upload one file, though they can combine files into a single ZIP file.
  • Other: The platform requires contestants to enter an entry name and description. Please also accept the the conditions of the contest including sharing your work under certified Open Source license.


Share information about what operating systems or devices can your hack run on.


Include information about API, SDK, or data set, that are required to run the app.


Any work done need to be new for the competition. Existing apps are not eligible. However the specific details what is acceptable and what is not will be determined by the jury. For example existing apps that have been modified substantially and include entirely new functionality would still be eligible.


Technical ImplementationThe solution implements and uses technologies in an innovative way. Code is made available as FOSS/Open Source during the hackathon.

  • Relevance and ContributionThe solution is using technologies developed at FOSSASIA and improves a project. Parts of the code are submitted to a FOSSASIA repository or project website/service.
  • Open Data and Open KnowledgeThe solution is using open and accessible data and open knowledge in an innovative way to improve FOSSASIA projects and benefit the society.
  • Usability and UXThe hack is an easy-to-use prototype and an intuitive application with a clear and easy to use UI.
  • Benefit to Society and Market OpportunityThe solution has the potential to engage with a wide range of actors in the society for sustainable development.
  • Scalability and ReplicabilityIt is possible to scale the solution and replicate it in different contexts in Asia and elsewhere.
  • Indigenous Topics/LanguagesThe solution is related to languages, culture, science and issues advancing society and has relations to indigenous topics and languages.

15:20 - 15:35

100,000 developers from 156 nations accepted the challenge and built over 2,500 applications in 2018. Over 60 organizations amplified the Call as supporters last year. Will you answer the call in 2019?

Commit to the Cause. Push for Change. Answer the Call.

Developers have revolutionized the way people live and interact with virtually everyone and everything. Where most people see challenges, developers see possibilities. That’s why David Clark Cause launched Call for Code in 2018 alongside Founding Partner IBM. This multi-year global initiative is a rallying cry to developers to use their skills and mastery of the latest technologies, and to create new ones, to drive positive and long-lasting change across the world with their code. The second annual Call for Code Challenge theme is natural disaster preparedness and relief in the context of community health and well-being.

15:30 - 15:55

SUSI AI Web bot builder is a service I created as a part of my GSoC 2018 project. This allows the users to create SUSI.AI chatbots very easily. Basic theme settings and custom replies to specific user texts are currently allowed in this chatbot. Many other features like preview of the chatbot, saving its draft, allowing bot only on specific sites etc are in initial stage and many more features are yet to build. This bot builder is built using ReactJS.

15:35 - 15:40

Who are the mentors of the hackathon supporting participants?

15:35 - 16:00

The IO Foundation is working on a project intersecting a Digital Rights SDK (aimed at providing infrastructure for a Human Rights centered software design) and community-based, open source Personal Assistants, called Sidekick.

FOSSASIA’s has been identified as a potential element of Sidekick.

We wish to bring the attention to the audience upon:

- The importance of concentration of information;

- The importance of emotions and how user profiling is used to trigger reactions aligned with third-parties interests/agendas and not necessarily the user’s;

- How the right approach to Personal Assistants can help mitigating these issues;

- Launch the questions:

- Could this be the birth of a distributed knowledge paradigm?

- How could this approach shape stateless communities?

The session will follow a flow presenting a bit of history of information search interfaces, move into the relevance of emotions in our decisions, how information is used to profile users and how all those ingredients bring up a scenario where the line between an informed decision and an imposed decision is getting more blurry than ever.


- Searching for information

- Search engines

- Chatbots

- Personal Assistants

- Friends (that are not looking out for you)

- Data collection

- Linkability

- Profiling

- Choosing a Personal Assistant

- Enter Digital Rights

- Features


- Case scenarios

- Access to information

- Refugees

- A peek on future systems of (e)Governance.

Expected outcomes:

- Raise awareness on the importance of Personal Assistants and their choice;

- Spark the conversation on this project;

- Identify stakeholders interested in implementing a PoC of Sidekick using

- Create a PoC to be applied in the case scenarios described in the talk.

15:40 - 16:05

"Kubernetes" is one of the most popular and famous container orchestration open source software. And now, there are so many Kubernetes environments and deployment tools such as SUSE CaaS Platform, minikube, kubeadm, Rancher, GKE/AKS/EKS, etc. So, we can use or build a Kubernetes cluster with them very easily. However, it also prevents opportunities to understand Kubernetes technologies themselves from users. Therefore, if a Kubernetes cluster gets something wrong, it would be tough challenge to resolve it without such knowledge. With the situation, here is a very good exercise document - "Kubernetes The Hard Way[0]" which is a tutorial for setting up Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform(GCP). People can learn internal architecture of Kubernetes from that.

In this session, attendees will get an opportunity to know how to set up a Kubernetes cluster on not only GCP but also an OpenStack cloud or something based on the tutorial, and, will get to know its technology deeply."Kubernetes The Hard Way"[0] has 14 chapters right now. And it's written for the GCP basically. However, it works on the other clouds  with some modifications.


This will be a demostration of Openshift v4.x on the RED HAT COREOS & latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux flavor the RHEL 8.

This demo will include the improvements of the latest openshift version over the previous iterations and how the latest OCP takes advantage of the RHEL 8 which is optimised for containerization.

This will be an interactive session with live demonstration of the product which includes the improvement over the previous version.

15:40 - 16:15

Presentation of Ideas, Teams and Team Building Activities at FOSSASIA Hackathon.

15:40 - 16:25

GraphQL is an open source query language for APIs that solves some of the problems REST runs into when using it for complex web applications. While it was only published in 2015, there is now a large number of libraries available for it, including Java Script and Django.

This talk will present an introduction to GraphQL and my own experience of building a mid-sized web application using Django as backend and Vue.js as frontend with GraphQL. Sections:

  1. Intro to GraphQL - Schemas, queries and mutations
  2. Implementations server-side (Django)
  3. Implementations client-side (Apollo, graphql.js)
  4. Patterns for common web application tasks compared: REST vs. GraphQL
  5.   a, user registration
  6.   b, account details
  7.   c, insert new item
  8.   d, ...
  9. Resources to get started
  10. Q&A

16:00 - 16:25

The talk will focus on the newly implemented user-role permission model of SUSI.AI which we have recently switched to from the former Wikipedia user-role permission model. I will discuss why we felt the necessity to switch to our own permission model, and what are the newly implemented user-roles and their specific features implemented on the Server side.

During my session, I'm hoping to clarify the different user-roles which we have implemented on SUSI.AI Server to facilitate various APIs to support the different SUSI.AI Clients. I will discuss about how these have been implemented on SUSI Server, and would also like to emphasise on the logic behind the decision to switch to our own permission model, and how it allows us to have a better administrative model.

SUSI.AI has various user-roles implemented on SUSI Server. The different user-roles of users of SUSI.AI affects their abilities to perform certain actions on various SUSI.AI Clients. I would like to go over each user-role and the various permissions associated with that particular user-role. I will also discuss several features which are available only for specific user-roles for demonstration purposes.

At the end, I'd also demonstrate how anyone can try out the different user-roles on their locally setup SUSI Server. I'd also motivate people to contribute to the SUSI.AI project.

16:05 - 16:30

At I/O 2018, Google released the Firebase ML Kit which creates various exciting opportunities for Android Developers aiming to build smart apps without having to worry about the nitty-gritties of Machine Learning.

The Firebase ML Kit APIs offer features like face detection, text recognition, object detection, etc. Your apps can also label a provided image for special characteristics and identify popular landmarks in a picture.

In this talk, I will outline the usage of all the 5 APIs available in Firebase ML Kit and I’ll be doing so by using a sample app that utilizes these APIs.

I will be walking you through the working of each api and you will leave the talk having sufficient knowledge of the APIs to go ahead and implement them in your own apps.

16:10 - 16:35

Organizations move to open cloud solutions based on certain advantages of combining multiple services of different cloud providers. NodeCloud is an open source project which unifies the API layer to simply application layer API contracts and provisioning. The talk will deliver the design and development methodology of NodeCloud library.

With the advent of multiple cloud providers with similar services, many projects tend to use different services from many providers due to certain advantages. API contracts of cloud providers tend to differ in major ways and this leads to slower development and bad developer experience. NodeCloud is an open source solution which unifies the API layer in Node.js runtime. API contracts in NodeCloud make it easier to consume same types of services in different providers with common API semantics.

16:10 - 16:55

It is a common sight to see teams struggling to collaborate because of varying preference of programming languages. GraalVM is a universal virtual machine created to address this issue. 

In this session, we will look at how you can use GraalVM to create polyglot applications with ease. It is a hands-on live coding session where we will look at Ruby, NodeJS & Java interoperability.

16:30 - 16:55

One of the issues that plague most meetups and is especially hurtful to OSS meetups are no-shows; more so when a meetup has got registrations in multiples of the capacity. 

Since we are an OSS community : all are meetups are free and we don't do sponsorship. The venues are given free, speakers and organizers volunteer their time and resources. And our tickets are free; unfortunately this is treated with disdain and a cavalier attitude by quite a few registrants. 

In the first year we had an abysmally low RSVP percentage ....for some meetups it even plunged to single digit. Now its above 90% on an average.  This talk is all about showing how we turned this around.....and how you can too. And yes it includes Open Event :-)

Wiki Education Dashboard connects higher education with Wikipedia. I spent my summer working on this project in Outreachy Round 16 and continue to mentor in Outreachy Round 17 and Google Code-in 2018.This session will involve how to get started with React, how Wiki Education makes it possible for students and scholars to successfully contribute to open knowledge that reaches to millions of people. Lastly, my goal would be to inspire women and trans people to participate in Outreachy -  3 months internship opportunity for underrepresented people in tech to work in FOSS.

This talk is about writing codemod’s using babel. Often we want to mass-refactor our codebases, for example, switching from one library to another like from glamorous to styled-components but it’s not as easy as doing a find/replace and requires a lot of manual work. A babel codemod will help you automate the tasks by running the transform for each file passed to it. In this talk, I’ll introduce you to babel-codemod, babel and AST’s and how I refactored our huge codebase from glamorous to styled-components in less than 1 hour. You can apply the same concepts to build a babel plugin or an eslint plugin. 


16:30 - 17:25

The workshop will mainly be focused on getting involved with SUSI.AI and how to start contributing. It will be based on the following points - 

  • Setting up SUSI.AI repositories locally.
  • Making a SUSI.AI skill.
  • Integrating SUSI.AI bots to own websites.
  • Showcase and Setup of SUSI Smart Speaker.
  • Find and solve a bug.

16:35 - 17:20

As more applications move to a DevOps model with CI/CD pipelines, the testing required for this development model to work inevitably generates lots of data. There are valuable insights hidden in this data that ML can help extract with minimal human intervention. Using open source tools like TensorFlow and Pandas we trained ML algorithms with real-life data from the OpenStack community's CI system. We built a Kubernetes application that sets up a prediction pipeline to automate the analysis of CI jobs in near real time. It uses the trained model to classify new inputs and predict insights like test results or hosting cloud provider. In this talk, we present our experience training different ML models with the large dataset from OpenStack's CI and how this can be leveraged for automated failure identification and analysis. We also discuss how these techniques can be used with any CI system.

16:40 - 17:05

Serverless and micro-services now being evolving and many providers have been introduced services and frameworks to creating Serverless applications. I will talk about how the industry evolved to Serverless and when It’s useful. is a new Serverless provider who supports Node version 8 out of the box. WebTask can use as code sandbox for Node.js applications. WebTask also can be used to create scheduled tasks and Webhooks with Node.js. I had a chance to work with WebTask on beta phase so I would like to share my knowledge and some demos I have created to the Audience.

17:00 - 17:25

The talk would focus on the basics of Augmented Reality and the various aspects which make it possible, in the mobile context. An exploration of some current problems being faced would be done, and links to Machine Learning (or AI in general) shall be drawn to potentially eliminate these issues.

We'll also be seeing how various libraries (ARCore/ARKit) are handling the key features of AR.

Outline of the talk:

  • Vision
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Vision in AR
  • Current AR libraries and some problems
  • Combine with Artificial Intelligence
  • Conclusion

17:00 - 17:55

Concepts in quantum computing have been around for over 30 years but only recently have practical quantum computers started to become available. While today's quantum computers are still very limited it's enough to start putting some of these concepts into practice. With the development of these machines there has been open source tooling developed to use them. One such example is QISKit, which is an Apache Licensed SDK for developing quantum applications. It lets you mix classical programming and quantum computing together to build applications that leverage the advantages of both. This workshop will explain the basics of quantum information theory and how you build quantum circuits. It will then provide a hands on introduction into using qiskit and how you can use it to implement quantum programs, how that can be integrated together within a larger application, and will also demonstrate how you can run your quantum program on real quantum computers.

17:10 - 17:35

What do product and project managers do when waterfall goes away? How did our customers/users react to this transition? What changes did we bring about?  and How long did it take us to get here? This talks presents our journey with our customers/users in Red Hat Developers Group.

Our approach to bridge the gap between Dev & Ops was to  give the teams not only the ability to build, deploy the code to production but also manage the service delivery aspects. We even managed to incorporate end-user feedback into our continuous delivery model.

This talk will review how we crossed the following hurdles.

  1. ‘Culture follows structure’ hence org change from two different Dev & Ops departments to just one

  2. Transition from just building products to running and managing services in production.

  3. Release schedules didn’t disappear, they simply served as a marker on our continuous delivery path.

  4. Continue to focus on reducing dependency on Service Delivery teams - balancing access & security.

  5. Invested in building toolchains that minimized and automated efforts to build, deploy &  maintain code.

  6. Continuous feedback channels such as user behaviour via telemetry, stability via monitoring tools etc.

  7. Redefined business value by focusing on flexible architecture that allows for easy extensibility via plugins.

  8. Engagement with community & customers via several touch points and direct access to developers.

17:25 - 17:50

Machine learning algorithms are increasingly black-box models. However, their outputs are business data that humans need to understand and act upon.

For example, if a clustering model suggests 4 customer clusters, how do we identify and characterize these? If a random forest model suggests a pattern of classification, how do we understand the dominant factors and the irrelevant ones?

These topics fall under the umbrella of model visualization -- where the inputs, process, and output of machine learning models are the topics of understanding.

This talk explores some of the prevalent ways of visualizing machine learning models.

17:30 - 17:55

WebVR is an open specification that makes it possible to experience VR in your browser. Working with WebVR directly requires knowledge of JavaScript and WebGL. A-Frame is an open community project that uses the WebVR API along with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Three.js. 

The talk is about building a game using the components and capabilities of A-Frame, with relatively easy and compact HTML, JS. The complete ecosystem of the game, along with the physics and particle component system, the surroundings, the objects, will be shown on demo in a multiplayer environment where multiple people (here sessions) can enter and play in with their Oculus Go. 

Google claims that we live in a mobile-first era where a lot of users tend to use mobile devices and mobile apps within their daily routine. So, every user expects to have great performance, smooth animations, and beautiful interactive designs whenever they use a mobile application. also, most of the mobile application developers need to develop such applications and new features without compromising quality or performance. This is where flutter and its interesting features make us have serious look at it.

Flutter is Google's mobile UI framework which provides a fast and expressive way for developers to build native apps on both IOS and Android. Rather than just giving an introduction to flutter, I thought of covering a comparison between flutter and native application development to highlight the key points why flutter has become an all-rounder in terms of flexibility, easiness, and developer-friendliness.  This speech and the demo will focus on following areas such as Flutter’s cool features bundle for developers, Dart the language of flutter and flutter’s reactiveness and why everything in flutter based on widgets. Also during the demo, I am planning to build an application to make sure that the audience is grabbing every cool feature to have a serious look at Flutter. 
17:40 - 18:05

Dunner is a task runner tool like Grunt but uses Docker images like CircleCI do. You can define tasks and steps of the tasks in your .dunner.yaml file and then run these steps with Dunner do taskname.


We love to share about the project with the world, for both to let the world know about the use of Dunner and to get contributors to the project.

17:55 - 18:20

Disruptive technologies are game changers especially in medical emergencies, where a few minutes can be the difference between life and death. With blockchain technology democratizing information distribution, Edge AI bringing intelligence to the end device, chatbots powered by enormous amounts of trained data mimicking human beings and machine learning and deep learning making accurate predictions, it has become possible to ensure the best medical care is provided to every individual irrespective of their place of residence. With all these technologies being open sourced, it is easy to focus on how to improve the efficiency, enhance the security and refine the accuracy while reducing the cost.

Automated Emergency Paramedical Response System leverages various open source technologies to provide medical supplies using aerial distribution by drones. It is a multifunctional end to end semi-autonomous system which operates differently in urban and rural areas based on their individual requirements. In semi-urban and rural areas, there is a need to provide access to specialised doctors and medical supplies as these are unavailable in their community hospitals. AERPS  leverages medical image processing and deep learning using OpenCV and TensorFlow to accurately predict the presence of disease like ischemic strokes and based on the diagnosis, allows the community hospital to order for medical supplies. The medical supplies are delivered using a drone enhanced with edge AI to run intelligent algorithms enabling it to ensure that the medicines are only delivered to authorised people and providing accurate obstacle avoidance thus making delivery in hard to reach places easier. In congested urban areas, an interactive chatbot with the ability to predict ailments based on patient symptoms informs the medical personnel who approves the delivery of medicines thus providing quick delivery of medical supplies where traffic is a major roadblock in providing medical assistance. Confidentiality of patient records has been achieved by using decentralised blockchain-based distributed computing to ensure security for the users without involving third-party institutions.

18:00 - 18:25

The talk will focus on mobile (Android and iOS) clients of SUI.AI. I will start with the Goals of SUSI AI. During this session, I will discuss the various features of SUSI AI mobile apps, how they can be customized and can be used for personal purpose. I will also talk about the SUSI Smart Speaker connection with mobile clients.

The session will also be focused on the important features added to SUSI AI in recent. I will talk about the server side features as well as the UI perspectives.

From project development to translation and then packaging for distros like fedora seems tedious at times. Project development has its own release schedule which may or may not always fit availability of translators, timely execution of localization steps like push or pull strings, packaging and building, etc. As a result improper localized interfaces, delay, last moment breakage, poor user experience, etc. can be seen.

One solution to this is complete translation tracking at all there places: source repository, translation platform and release build system. Transtats does this, for every package! Plus, there are a few tools to track string loss during the process. Let's have a closer look on Transtats and discuss it's use cases.

18:30 - 18:55

Flatpaks is a new world for application developers. It is a way to publish applications on different Linux distributions. This is useful to third parties to distribute their application on multiple distributions. This will be an introductory presentation where following topics will be covered1) Introduction to Flatpaks2) Flatpak concept (underlying technology)3) Features of Flatpaks4) Using Flatpak commands5) Build application using Flatpak6) FlathubWe will see what Flatpak is, how to use its commands on Fedora Linux, then build the simple application as a Flatpak. We then look at how to use Flathub on Fedora. Flathub is a central repository where flatpaks are stored.

19:00 - 20:55

Participants will learn about VueJS, a progressive JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces. They will build a simpe SPA (Single Page Application) by applying VueJS's core concepts.

Participants will learn how Python can be used to automate common tasks and program a simple text-based game. We will cover data types, conditionals, loops, data structures and functions.

Participants will learn about MongoDB, a cross platform document-oriented NoSQL database system. They will connect to MongoDB using the PyMongo API to perform common operations.

Create Skills for SUSI.Ai

Participants will learn about relational databases through SQLite, a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine which is the most widely deployed database in the world. Both single and multi-table (with normalization) scenarios will be covered. Participants will connect to SQLite using the Python sqlite3 standard library module to perform common operations.

Participants will learn about basic machine learning algorithms such as linear regression and build a single layer perceptron to improve the performance of the linear regression model.

Saturday, 16th Mar

09:30 - 10:00

Meet the Open Hardware community for breakfast at the FOSSASIA Summit.

10:00 - 10:25

Mitch will share a bit about some of the cool stuff he does and how he came to do what he does, with the hope of inspiring others to do more of what they love to do.

Today, network and system security are of paramount importance in the digital communication environment. On par with the developments in technology, many threats to information security have emerged that can impact sensitive transactions: intruders can easily cause all kinds of breaches and crash networks, launch denial of service attacks, inject malware, and so on. To avoid such breaches, security administrators badly need a means to detect intruders and prevent them from entering the network. Nowadays, new threats and associated solutions are emerging together.

This session showcases a hybrid intrusion detection system that leverages the benefits of machine learning techniques to build a system that detects intrusion and alerts network administrators. This system can be extended from intrusion to breach detection as well.

The developed system analyzes and predicts user behavior, which in turn classifies as an anomaly or a normal behavior. Other systems use just one machine learning algorithm to solve the problem, while this hybrid intrusion detection system uses a combination of algorithms for classification, achieving greater accuracy.

The key idea of property based testing is that rather than writing a test that tests just a single scenario, you write tests that describe a range of scenarios and then let the computer explore the possibilities for you rather than having to hand-write every one yourself.Think of a normal unit test (example-based) as being something like the following:1. Set up some data.2. Perform some operations on the data.3. Assert something about the result.Using property-based tests, your approach will look like this:1. For all data matching some specification.2. Perform some operations on the data.3. Assert something about the result.

In this talk, I'll share on the following:

  • Short intro to property-based testing (PBT)
  • Few examples/approaches in using it
  • Adding PBTs to a Continuous Integration Build (so it can hunt bugs while you're sleeping :-) )

Vast and fast growing ecosystem of opensource components enable developers choose appropriate components. Along with the vast choice of opensource components, developers need guidance to choose secure, license compliant and appropriate dependencies that match the "intent" of the application(s) being built.

Powered by Machine Learning algorithms, Dependency analytics platform  ingests vast number of opensource components and right inside your VSCode editor, provides complete health check for all the opensource components (Security, License compliance and flag any usage outliers) along with specific guidance to choose appropriate opensource components matching the intent of the application being built.

The platform performs in depth analysis of application dependencies and provides developer with a report which has below features and are the major topics for our talk:

1. Suggests a project level license, check for conflicts between dependency licences.

2. Flags a security vulnerability(CVE) and suggests a remedial version.

3. Shows Github popularity metrics of dependencies along with latest version.

4. Recommends dependencies based on the current set of dependencies used, using machine learning techniques.

10:00 - 10:45

How do you mix SQL and NoSQL worlds without starting a messy revolution?

This live coding talk will show you how to add Elasticsearch to your legacy application without changing all your current development habits. Your application will have suddenly have advanced search features, all without the need to write complex SQL code!

Aravind will start from a Spring Boot/Postgresql/MySQL based application and will add a complete integration of Elasticsearch, all live from the stage during his presentation.

10:00 - 11:55

Participants will learn about basic machine learning algorithms such as linear regression and build a single layer perceptron to improve the performance of the linear regression model.

10:25 - 10:40

Struggles with NB-IoT

10:30 - 10:55

Have you attended an orchestral performance and wondered what it is exactly that conductors do besides waving their arms in the air? Most of the value that the conductor (community manager) brings to the orchestra (community) is carried out before the performance (behind the scenes). In this session, I will share my experiences in orchestras and open source communities big and small across different countries. How do you take care of the different types of contributors/players and bring out their best? What happens when they have differences in opinion on how to collaborate? How do you make the community welcoming and inclusive especially for people with different backgrounds and who may not speak your (programming) language? Join me on a musical journey through some of the common (and perhaps not so common) dissonances of community orchestration and their possible resolutions!

AI, IoT and Industry 4.0 has sped up tremendously.  Industry expects our students to  be Worker 4.0 when they graduate. Is our Education system 4.0?  Is the next generation AI Ready?  How could we get our education system in the same speed as technology?  This talk hopes to share our experience and engage meaningfully with FOSSASIA participants on this subject.

As mobile applications are becoming more complicated, we often find it difficult to understand the application thru static analysis. With Dynamic Instrumentation - a dynamic analysis technique, it enables the analysis of application behaviour at runtime, by injecting the instrumentation code into the process. This talk aims to discuss the use case of Dynamic Instrumentation in the context of Mobile security on various mobile operating system platforms and how you can embed this technique into your bug hunting toolkit.

If your Continuous Integration pipeline is slow, you are basically wasting money! A CI pipeline is an essential tool for any modern development team, as the necessary quality assurance mechanism that ensures they can deliver working software. Slow, (or, worse, broken) pipelines cause serious impediment to development teams, and this impediment directly translates into wasted $$$. 

Instead, CI should be very much treated like any other production system the company maintains. Whereas the customer-facing systems bring revenue into the company, the CI pipeline ensures the development teams remain productive and efficient in serving the former. 

From this talk, you can expect to pick up some tips on how to speed up your CI pipelines -  leveraging cloud capabilities, such as horizontal scaling of its workloads to cater for more / heavier /longer builds. This leads to short feedback loops in the development cycle, and - therefore - a more efficient use of your dev team’s (expensive) time.  And for the cherry on top,  you will probably be reducing your CI costs while doing all this!

10:30 - 11:25

A major problem for AI developers today is how to publicize and monetize their work, as promising algorithms often end up sitting in a GitHub repository hoping to be discovered. SingularityNET, a revolutionary new open source, decentralized network for exchanging AI services & data, will resolve this by providing an open platform for developers and enterprises to find, buy, publicize and sell AI services. The network also enables different AI services to interoperate seamlessly and autonomously for the first time, via smart contracts and a standard API. In this developer workshop, we’ll introduce the main features of the SingularityNET platform and demonstrate how to interact with the SingularityNET services, how to develop and publish your AI models & services on the network, and how to use the payment system.

10:30 - 11:30

Join the UNESCO Booth for questions about Indigenous Languages and the FOSSASIA Hackathon.

10:40 - 10:55
Pocket Science Lab is a complete platform that is fully open source in every layer; hardware and software. Looks may deceive you thinking it's another Arduino device but you would be amazed to see what it can do. This tiny device can literally replace a room full of electronic analytical tools with its 4 channel oscilloscope, logic analyzer, multi-meter, wave generator and many more instruments it got. With a PSLab in hand, you wouldn't need to know any software programming to use and take readings from almost any sensor you got. PSLab got it all. In this session I am going to show you all of it.
10:55 - 11:20


11:00 - 11:20

Security vulnerabilities are almost a fact of life. This is why system vendors are increasingly relying on physically separate chips to handle sensitive data. Unfortunately, private keys are not the same as your private matters. Exploits on your local device still have the potential to grant bad actors access to your screen and keyboard. This talk introduces the Betrusted device as a possible remedy. Betrusted is a physically separate, trustable display and keyboard directly connected to a secure enclave. This talk concludes with a brief exploration of some of Betrusted's goals and design features.Project page: https://betrusted.ioSocial media:

11:00 - 11:25

Over the years, Nepal made a significant improvement in the field of Openness, especially in Open Data. The government showed some commitment by starting a discussion and made some notable decision to promote the culture of collaboration in Nepal. This was made possible because of the active participation of civil societies and grassroots awareness conducted in different cities, sensitizing the huge number of audience using localized resources. Openness alone is nothing but once connected with grassroots awareness and civic technology, it’s everything especially for the developing countries like Nepal. Slowly and steadily, Nepal is making a significant improvement in the field of openness and the use of civic technology to tackle development challenges has been a great case study which can help many others developing countries. The civil society organization of Nepal played a vital role in this changes by organizing the diverse grassroots awareness in the different cities to sensitize the huge number of audience using localized resources.

The session will cover how the grassroots program like Open Data Awareness Program ( and PAHICHAN ( changes the landscape in Nepal by motivating local youths to tackle the community problems by using the available resources. It will also cover, how the civic tech projects like NepalMap (, Open Data Nepal (, AskNepal ( etc are making the impact so that it can inspire others to start similar kinds of projects in their country.

The session will highlight the importance of connecting the different aspects of openness to build a successful ecosystem and how to conceptualize the diverse awareness campaigns by translating the resources in the local language as an outcome. This will help the participant of different developing countries to conceptualize the similar kinds of initiative without the big support and make long-term impacts to the community.

Sciencer is an AI powered application that can automatically mark Science open-ended questions. It is built on IBM watson using Python as well as Flask. It is hosted on pythonanywhere.

We built Sciencer because when I was in Primary 4, I did horribly in Science. As a result, I used an app, geniebook, an online tuition service to help me improve. Geniebook was awsome except for one problem; teachers who marked the science questions took a long time too mark them. Therefore, I improved slowly. We wanted to create an app like geniebook, but one that could mark questions faster and more efficiently.

Sciencer consists of an interface for sudents to take tests and an interface for teachers to add questions, tests as well as mark answers disputed by the students. Sciencer learns from these disputed answers. It allows students to practice for Science exams multiple times and recieve marks immediately.

Sciencer has been designed so even non-technical teachers can add in questions and tests easily. We are looking for teachers/parents/students/tuition centers to help us add questions and test out our platform. Come to our talk to learn more about Sciencer and Artificial Intelligence. You can also access the beta version at:

While data science is enabling advancement in various disciplines, the fear of sensitive personal information being leaked is a hindrance to the adoption of data-centric methods in applications which use recommendation engines based on sensitive user's data, medical data for health AI, and more.

With the advancement in the field of AI, while the algorithms might be trusted, the output might unintentionally reveal sensitive information, compromising the privacy. There is a need to rethink privacy in the age of AI. Simply anonymizing data doesn't ensure privacy.

One of the proposed techniques to improve privacy is differential privacy. Differential privacy provides a mathematical guarantee that your privacy won’t be violated even if your data is used for analysis/ training. It allows the analysis while protecting sensitive data and can be used to maximize accuracy while minimizing the risk.

In this talk, we will discuss the pros and cons of differential privacy from a machine learning and deep learning perspective and the determination of the optimal balance between accuracy and privacy.

11:00 - 11:55

Meet IBM Developers to talk about IBM Cloud and your hack ideas.

A hot topic in recent years is running applications in containers. Tools such as docker have made deployment of applications using Linux containers easier, but they do not alone provide everything that is needed to easily manage many applications, or run containers at scale across a cluster of machines.

In this hands on workshop you will learn about the fundamental concepts and terminology around deploying applications to Kubernetes and why it is emerging as the de-facto standard for container orchestration and scheduling.

Topics which will be covered to illustrate how Kubernetes works will include:

  • What are containers and pods.
  • Accessing pods for an application via a service.
  • Scaling up applications to many instances.
  • Automatic recovery from application failure.
  • Exposing a web application to the public.
  • Application lifecycle management.
  • Monitoring health of an application.

If you attend the workshop, you will be provided access to an online workshop environment with everything you need already setup and installed, but you will need to bring your own laptop in order to access the online environment. You will not need to install anything on your laptop and will be able to jump straight into getting hands on with Kubernetes.

11:25 - 11:50

Upgrading MySQL server instances are essential to get access to new features, performance improvements and bug fixes especially related to security concerns. Upgrades are generally postponed due to concerns about cost, down time and also due to the apprehensions about the risk involved.This talk would cover the following points:* Importance of upgrade.* Different methods used to upgrade.* A new pre-check tool to test preparedness for upgrade.* A Straight forward upgrade process to MySQL 8.0.* Upgrade to MySQL 8.0 in detail and how the new tool, "upgrade_checker" helps.* Auto upgrade mechanism introduced for MySQL 8.0+ upgrade.

11:25 - 11:55

AMA (Ask Me Anything) Panel Project Feedback, Bunnie, Mitch, Adnan moderated by Mario - Tell us about your project and get feedback from Open Hardware icons on your next steps.

11:30 - 11:55
Project Malmo is an open source Minecraft mod that turns Minecraft from a game into a free robot simulator. Although it was designed for AI researchers, we have successfully used it in an introductory AI workshop for Python novices by developing a beginner friendly Python library. In this session, we will share our experiences running an AI workshop using Project Malmo and our Python library, malmopy.
Being part of the Open Source movement for 25 years, I've seen the philosophy of openness, collaboration, and freedom have extended beyond code to spawn wildly successful projects such as Wikipedia. Many Open Source projects have created a culture of teaching, learning and mentoring; essentially an education pipeline that has built productive members of the community and experts in their respective fields. I believe that the Open Source culture makes an excellent alternative to traditional education, and I've chosen to use it as the basis upon which my children are raised. This is the premise for my talk "Hacking Education."
The Internet is getting a lot bigger. As it keeps getting bigger and bigger, more and more devices are getting interconnected with each other. And its a very important time to talk about IOT security. This talk will be focused on one of the aspects of IOT security, hacking into BLE protocols. Right now Bluetooth low energy is everywhere, your smartwatches, fitness trackers, smart locks and many more. This talk will be a live demonstration on How I hacked a Bluetooth Low energy fitness tracker and send notifications, messages, place a phone call and even could update the firmware over the air!

Natural Language Generation is positioned as one of the next generation of disruptors in the data consumption space. Rather than have analysts interpret data, we remove the gatekeepers and use machine learning to summarise insights and convert them into textual narratives and stories.

Today, this technology is nascent, but very much a reality. Weather forecasts, financial research, stock market data, sales data, medical research -- all of these have seen applications of automated narratives. Recent research includes an experiment which showed that users sometimes preferred computer-generated weather forecasts to human-written ones, in part because the computer forecasts used more consistent terminology.

This talk shares some of the successful examples of natural language generation, the techniques and libraries behind these, and how you can incorporate narratives into your data analysis.

12:00 - 12:10

Please join us for the FOSSASIA Summit Community Photo 2019!

13:00 - 13:45

Embedded system or firmware programming can be very intimidating for beginners and often they tend to drop it very soon, thanks to connecting wires across a breadboard and writing bits and bytes to processor registers using bit shifting and logical operations. 

Enter MicroPython and CircuitPython which let's you program microcontrollers using everyone's favourite Python programming language, no toolchain, cross compiler, assembler required. The code lives on your board itself and every lower level detail is abstracted. And if you think you can just blink LEDs with it, you just imagined tip of the iceberg. You can actually track the current location of International Space station and turn on an alarm when it is passing above you ;) . Quite Interesting hah, There is so much we can do with it and it's not scary. 

Talk includes Introduction and some example project showcase and can also include basic hands-on experience. 

13:30 - 13:55

We love open source and for many of us, open source started as a hobby. But somewhere along the way, we've all had to sell its value to someone skeptical. That pitch hasn't always easy. It may not even work in some industries. However, to take open source into future, we will all need it as a critical part of our repertoire.   

Whether its pitching investors, getting your company to invest in a program office or convincing your manager to make open source part of your job, we could all do a better job of crafting compelling and coherent narratives for how to translate open source into business value and revenue potential. As more and more mainstream companies begin to understand and invest in open source, we'll need the tools and concepts to help capitalize on these opportunities. 

Drawing from pitches to VCs, investors and board rooms, this talk explores themes and strategies for how to find and improve your voice and personal narrative to make open source an essential part of your growth trajectory. We'll also hear a number of war stories from perspective of engineers and program managers at large companies about how they effectively sold open source within their organizations. 

Email remains the least common denominator when two or more people communicate over the Internet. After snowden and various other disclosures, email encryption has become common. There are two standards related to email encryption namely OpenPGP and S/MIME. This talk discussed various interesting attacks against both of them. The talk ends with a discussion on the famous efail vuln ( and the lessons learned from it.

Come learn about the new features you can use in MariaDB Server 10.3, including Oracle compatibility. There are of course differences with MySQL, e.g. around the X Protocol and more. Learn when MariaDB Server will be the right fit for you and how to make the most of it during deployments.

13:30 - 14:15

This session is dedicated to answering the important questions companies need to ask before deciding to build a Voice Assistant and then talking through the journey to deliver one to market.

The most important questions to ask before you start are:

·       Do you even need a Voice Assistant

·       Which Platform should you build yours on (Alexa, Google, Apple etc)

·       What is the company Objective

·       What Problem are you trying to solve for your customers

Once the above have been answered a plan needs to be developed for building and measurement of the Assistant:

·       Which internal Stakeholders need to be involved (IT, Marketing, Customer Service etc)

·       What is the Call to Action (CTA)

·       Do you have a defined Brand Persona/Voice and how do you bring this to the Assistant

·       What APIs are available and, if you don’t have any, can you use Live Data

·       What does Success look like for this Assistant

·       How will you Measure performance

·       Who will own the Assistant post launch

Lastly we will then walk through the Conversational Development Process to show:

·       How to write conversations for Assistants

·       What a Context is and how to use them to anchor conversations to customer Goals

·       Examples of Voice Intents and how to craft customer journeys in a Voice environment

·       When Screen devices can be used and how to build Rich Cards to complement Voice interactions

·       Other functions in Assistants such as Transactions, Email Sending, Video Casting, Map Directions, Pre Ordering (Voice to Collect) and other Actions

Attendees will leave this session with a better understanding of the Voice ecosystem, how it can be applied to their business as well as the building blocks to go back to their own company and start a discussion about where Voice may fit into their company plans plus how to start developing an Assistant

13:30 - 15:55

This is a hands-on workshop that takes you through what it takes to run a container based application to a Kubernetes cluster running on Azure Kubernetes Service.


You’ll go through:


  • Creating Kubernetes deployments, running MongoDB, setting up Services and Ingress, using Azure Monitor for Containers, load testing and scaling your application and clusters through Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and the Cluster Autoscaler.
  • You’ll also get to work on building your container pipelines using Azure DevOps and Azure Container Registry and packing the application with Helm.
  • As well as go through more advanced tasks like scaling using Virtual Nodes, setting up SSL/TLS for your deployments as well as applying some best practices like Resource Quotas and others.

13:50 - 14:35

There are a host of ARM based development boards, possibly the most famous of them being the Raspberry Pi series. There are also many others that very few people may know about. Some boards are more or less costly than others and offer different levels of performance, connectivity and levels of software support.

Have you considered getting such a dev board? Have specific use cases for them? Perhaps considered developing one of your own and want to see what else is out there?

This presentation will go over some boards, demo some of them, show how to use or install them, what is and is not well supported and how.

14:00 - 14:25

The STEAM education in Asia originates from the Maker Movement in the USA 10 years ago. Now, DIY Biology is another up and coming movement and evaluate to popularize biotech education in schools.

Data talks about the importance of the Biotech Education to teenagers and its impact and challenges to STEAM education in Asia. Data will also highlight how to transfer a classroom to a laboratory and the reasons for learning biotechnology in Schools. In the end, Data will reveal how biotech integrates with existing STEAM education in Hong Kong.

This is a story about how we made a full-fledged product working 100% remotely which assists developers in solving the complex problem of using multiple toolchains using just 1 product and achieving their desired outcomes - more collaboration, shorter cycle times, happier developers.  We call it devops on steroids.

The MySQL Performance Schema is a feature for monitoring Oracle's MySQL Server execution at a low level. This versatile and tightly integrated component collects performance and session data from various subsystems within the server during runtime with minimal impact on overall server performance.

With help of few real world use cases, this talk aims to explain how/what statistical information user is provided with using Performance Schema. With these use cases, it also explains how this information can be used for monitoring and trouble shooting to track an issue back to the relevant file and line of code in source file.

Again, with some use cases, this talk also explains how Performance Schema gives consolidated view of different activities of MySQL server behind the scene with the multiple summary tables and how this can be tuned and used. This talk also covers the manual/automatic configuration of Performance Schema to suite to individual requirement in a specific scenario.

This talk is targeted to many database users which includes DBA, Database Application developers, Database developers, Students. This talk is to give overview of MySQL Performance Schema and also how/what information can be collected using it and how this information could be used further for debugging/trouble shooting Database users' issue.

Takeaways from the talk:

  • Overview of tuning and monitoring MySQL Server activities using Performance Schema.
  • Understanding of how to tailor the Performance Schema to track the data you want.
  • With few real world usecases, explain how to diagnosing problems with the Performance Schema. 
  • A glimpse of new features in Performance Schema in MySQL MySQL 8.0 GA.

14:00 - 14:45

This talk will cover the core SELinux concepts and how to leverage SELinux to improve protections on a Linux system. You will learn the fundamentals of SELinux configuration including conditional policies, policy types and constraints, and the Linux audit subsystem. 

14:20 - 15:05
14:30 - 14:55

People in remote areas of India are facing severe problem for visiting hospitals at city centers. Digital solution need to be provided for assisted living in rural areas to make “No Doctor to E-Doctors”.

The main objectives of this project are :

Integrated System Design: To design and develop integrated health monitoring system in rural areas.

Health Monitoring: Monitoring vital parameters (Body Temperature, Pulse rate, Respiratory systems and Blood pressure)

Continuous Monitoring: Based on the obtained Health data, Primary health care centre can maintain data logger for the betterment of assisted living in rural areas.

With the rapid development of wireless sensor network technologies has in several ways revolutionized healthcare and different forms of ambient assisted living environments .The project contributes to the advancement of knowledge on Internet of Things (IoT), micro controller, sensors and inter-connectivity. Most of the assisted population in India has very poor access to healthcare. Most of medical facilities are concentrated in urban areas, and there is an overall shortage of medical personnel. Thus rural patients are left to semi- and unqualified practitioners, creating a huge disease burden. Assisted living people shows more diversity in their health conditions than younger people. Thus, due to the lack of the system which provides a data log for the patient health record, it is not possible to regularly monitor the important parameters such as temperature, pressure, pulse etc, from a distant place. The patients manually have to visit hospital for their health check, which may not be feasible all the time.

MySQL InnoDB cluster provides a complete high availability solution for MySQL. MySQL Shell includes AdminAPI which enables you to easily configure and administer a group of at least three MySQL server instances to function as an InnoDB cluster. Each MySQL server instance runs MySQL Group Replication, which provides the mechanism to replicate data within InnoDB clusters, with built-in failover. In the presentation, we will learn on how to set up InnoDB cluster using the official MySQL Docker containers and run them with docker-compose. This presentation covers a demo, including how to connect to the cluster through MySQL Router using a simple application.

14:40 - 15:25

Prototypes using Arduino and Raspberry Pi are a great first step to build a proof-of-concept. There is still a lot of work remaining after you have completed your breadboard prototype. Once you have finished your prototyping phase, you have to switch over to `production mode` to take your project to the next level.

ESP32 is the bigger brother to the awesome-ly popular ESP8266. It comes with more RAM, BT and BLE, and more. 

This workshop is about all the things we need to incorporate in our `production firmware` for an ESP32 based product.

We will start with a `Hello World` application and gradually build up to a full fledged product which will include

 - Hardware interfacing

 - Network configuration

 - Cloud connectivity

 - OTA updates

 - Creating and managing partitions

14:50 - 15:35

Before releasing a public dataset, practitioners need to thread the needle between utility and protection of individuals. Felipe Hoffa explores how to handle massive public datasets, taking you from theory to real life showcasing newly available tools that help with PII detection and brings concepts like k-anonymity and l-diversity to the practical realm. You’ll also cover options such as removing, masking, and coarsening.

What you’ll learn:

  • - How to identify PII in massive datasets
  • - Explore k-anonymity, l-diversity, and related research and options such as removing, masking, and coarsening
  • - Gain experience with practical demos over massive datasets

15:00 - 15:25

GCompris is a high-quality educational software suite, including a large number of activities for children aged 2 to 10.

Some of the activities are game orientated, but nonetheless still educational.

Currently, GCompris offers more than 100 activities, and more are being developed. GCompris is free software, it means that you can adapt it to your own needs, improve it, and most importantly share it with children everywhere. The topics of discussion under talks and main points with descriptions are - Architecture of GCompris ( How to contribute GCompris and how is it made of? Documentation Localization The session will be mainly for new contributors who wished to contribute to GCompris under Core and Activity Development. With the help of FOSSASIA, I wish to encourage the ideas and outreach of learning and encourage developers to take part in the development.

To run your application efficiently on cloud, you would need to make your queries faster. MySQL optimizer over the years have brought in a lot of improvements to handle big queries efficiently and in a faster way. This talk presents you a specific set of features added in MySQL 8.0 that would reduce the execution time of your queries. This session will help you understand tips and tricks that you can use to tune your application. This session would present the following

Cost Model Improvements

Newly added hints

Index Skip-Scan

Internal TempTable Storage Engine

15:40 - 16:05

This is a personal journey to discover the unknown pollinator of the Australian Helmet Orchid. It's Citizen Science in action and includes GIS mapping, insect trapping, Raspberry Pi's, infra-red cameras, electronics, 3D printing, laser cutting, wrapped up with a sprinkling of Python and OpenCV.

One of the application security golden rules is you should never build security system from scratch if possible. In the following session the audience will learn about a boilerplate solution for a React applications that includes preconfigured SSO via open source IdentityServer4 and a set of authentication and authorization React components, including secure routing for react-router, shared claims storage, refresh tokens, etc.

15:45 - 16:10


15:45 - 16:30
Firmware is found in all computing devices, including PCs, laptops, networking equipment, printers, embedded devices such as IoT and industrial controllers, mobile phones, tablets, and more. The community around open source firmware has grown over the last years, allowing for more exchange in the development and granting freedom to end users. Prominent projects like U-Boot, Tianocore, coreboot and others teach how firmware works and welcome contributions. This talk provides an overview of the current state, an end user report, and a summary of the first Open Source Firmware Conference.
15:55 - 16:35

There is a large number of deaf and dumb people across globe and communicating with them is difficult as not everyone can understand the sign language. There is also a lack of official sign language interpreters. In India the official number of certified sign language interpreters stood at merely 250 in the year 2017. This makes communication with mute people really difficult. Most of the teaching methods for deaf and dumb involve accommodating them to people without disabilities - while discouraging the sign language.  To make it easier for people to communicate with deaf and dumb people, I had attempted to use tensorflow to interpret sign language. As of now the system can recognize only alphabets and work is in progress to interpret complete words. The talk will be divide in two parts. First is how tensorflow object recognition was used to achieve the desired results. The second part will focus on how to contribute to the project and add localization (language specific signs) to make it more robust and more usable.

16:10 - 16:35

First some of the ideas, principles, and basic methods of meditation will be explained. Meditation is something so simple and yet challenging. Because it is experienced in one's interior, it can be hard to comprehend.

In the middle we will pause for 5 minutes or so to do a short group meditation. The remaining time will focus on experiences, effects, and results of meditation practice. Perhaps one day in the future meditation may become known as a cornerstone of experiential inner science.

16:10 - 16:55
Short Abstract

Security is tough and is even tougher to do, in complex environments with lots of dependencies and monolithic architecture. With emergence of Microservice architecture, security has become a bit easier however it introduces its own set of security challenges. 

This talk will showcase how we can leverage DevSecOps techniques to secure APIs/Microservices using free and open source software(FOSS). We will also discuss how emerging technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, Clair, ansible, consul, vault, etc., can be used to scale/strengthen the security program for free. 

We will cover the following as part this talk.

1. Static/Dynamic Analysis on code during CI/CD.

2. Scanning dockers for vulnerabilities and managing it using Clair and open source tools. 

3. Managing secrets in distributed systems.

4. Security monitoring using ELK ( ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack.

5. Server hardening using Ansible and molecule (Ansible testing framework).

6. Cloud security using smart monkey.

16:15 - 16:40

Microsoft and Linux

JSON functionality in MySQL was introduced in version 5.7. With the latest 8.0 release, a lot of new functionality is added like the JSON_TABLE function, JSON aggregation functions etc which will enable developers to get the best of both worlds; one can store data in JSON but at the same time leverage the power of SQL. In this presentation, we will see how that can be done.

16:35 - 17:00

Raspberry Pi is now 6 years old, there are several tips and use cases. It was born for kids programming education, though, it is now also used for electric DIY hobbies, industrial use, Edge Computing, IoT and more. Masafumi will talk Raspberry Pi history and latest updates and discuss several its use cases and tips for our business and daily use.

16:40 - 17:05

TensorFlow is Google's popular deep learning library. The upcoming 2.0 version will bring many important improvements, with a strong focus on usability. It will be much easier to learn and use than before (in particular thanks to the Keras API), while preserving TensorFlow's key advantages over competing libraries such as Facebook's PyTorch or Microsoft's Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK): namely its amazing portability, its support for high-end hardware acceleration (including TPUs), its rich API and its huge ecosystem. In this talk, you will learn what's new in TensorFlow 2 and how to handle the migration from TF 1.x.

Try out these Open Source Jupyter notebooks to learn TensorFlow 2.0:

16:45 - 17:10

MySQL 8.0 promises many improvements in terms of security of the database. It makes sure that instance is secure by default and provides enough options/tools to further harden security of the database. In this talk we will discuss various tools provided by MySQL 8.0 to help administrators improve overall security of database instance. We will cover various aspects such as communication security, encryption, authentication and passwords, privilege management, securing configuration etc.

16:45 - 17:30

Tutorial session demonstrating the evolution of a software monolith to microservice implementation running on Kubernetes.

We'll look at various design patterns (Strangler, API Gateway, Ingress, Service Mesh, Hybrid app) & operational practicalities of rolling out service upgrades to a Machine Learning app.

Attendees will learn about real Kubernetes use cases supported by *visual* demonstrations showing what's going on at each step to explain the concepts.

17:05 - 17:30

Until now, all the smart speaker market has been dominated by the proprietary speakers like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Apple HomePod, etc. To break this Oligopoly we created the SUSI Smart Speaker which provides complete customisability to the users unlike the proprietary competitors available in the market. And no personal assistant is completely personal until you are able to completely customize it. We have tried to solve this issue by developing our smart speaker.

This talk aims to emphasize the lack of Open Source competitors in the Smart Speaker industry and the oligopoly created by the proprietary organizations.

And how we, an active FOSS community have implemented cool features like “region-free” youtube music support, offline functionalities, custom USB media Daemons, open skill languages, etc. Most importantly we do not track your data.

The SUSI Smart Speaker aims to fill this gap between the Open Source world and the Smart Speaker industries. 

By the end of the talk, the audience will have been introduced to an Open Source Smart Speaker Project which is better than the proprietary speakers in many ways and will have a chance to contribute to a Speaker which is Open Source, works offline and is fully customizable by the user.

17:10 - 17:55

An impressive array of tools and technologies for building artificial intelligence and machine learning models in R/Python is now available, and growing daily. Breaking into this technology is daunting. This talk will introduce and demonstrate an experimental concept of an AI and machine learning repository for openly sharing pre-built models and technology demonstrators. The repository ( is based around a command line pip installable tool, mlhub, which locally installs AI/ML packages directly from github (and other git repositories). Packages are downloaded, configured and demoed within minutes.

17:15 - 17:40

In the service oriented architecture a lot of micro services interact with each other. MySQL is world's most popular open source database and caching the data has always been a very interesting problem involving database usage design. Using cache instead of fetching from disk makes the response time time exponentially fast. In this swift world with manifold use cases for software, there are use cases of intelligent caching. This involves pre polluting the cache directly from data source before cached data is requested from Redis. Pre population of cache can be done as follows based on use case:

- pre populate the cache before starting application.

 This makes the application faster from beginning as required data is already cached.

- populate a set of key, value once a key matching a pattern is set in cache

 This case is based on sequential multiple disk access as application is executed. When a key is populated in disk, the probability of other related keys increases. For example, if when a user logged in the website, the changes of him accessing his profile increases. The use case is more significant in different scenario.

- Never let a cache expire

 Set a key/pattern of keys to a group which will always be present in the cache. If it is deleted from cache, it will be fetched from the data source and cache will be auto populated.

 This case fits best for the keys which are frequently used buy frequently expires too.

The talk will comprehensively discuss above scenarios with MySQL plugin for redistribution caching, showing the improvement with the smart caching and how to integrate it in some of the applications.

17:35 - 18:00

Now-a-days Ansible is becoming de-facto for automation right from Physical machines to remote machines. Managing Virtual Machines and Instances through Ansible on local machine is easy. What if you want to manage both under one roof ..? 

My talk basically covers various use-cases around

  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Management
  • Destroying VM/Instance
  • Report Generation

Also, ManageIQ with Ansible will help to easily orchestrate environment as well as Automation via Ansible.

Voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant offer excellent SDKs and APIs so that people can incorporate them in their hobby projects and consumer products. There is still a prohibitive cost to doing this, as $5 Raspberry Pis are not exactly available at bulk. Additionally, size is an issue.

A lesser known, but more effective way is using supercharged micro- controllers like the ESP32. The WROVER module for ESP32 comes with half a megabyte of RAM, which is more than enough for fitting voice assistants in tiny places.

In fact, we can do a lot more fun stuff with micro-controllers because of their smaller size and lower power requirements. We can embed them into appliances like light bulbs and fire alarm systems, to give them a truly ubiquitous feel.

18:00 - 18:25

(I)IoT is rapidly growing these days so does the Edge computing. Industries prefer Edge computing mainly since it has the capability of providing security, privacy and low network latency. In this session I am going to showcase a real world Edge gateway with Eclipse Kura on Ubuntu Core.

18:00 - 18:45

There is a long research tradition in the field of science and technology studies (STS) showing the importance of the social in technical design processes. The notion sociotechnical design practices, for example, stands for tight entanglements and co-shaping processes of technical and social elements. Following this basic assumption critical algorithm studies, infrastructure studies, and software studies have started to investigate how social biases in big data, preferences of designers and coders, or imaginations of future users shape digital tools, software, or artificial intelligence. Moreover, innovative methods have been developed to not only analyze, but also problematize and intervene in software practices. “De-biasing” has become an issue of concern bringing together computer scientists and social scientists to learn from each other in the attempt to bring fairness, accountability and transparency to the table of software design.

Following this research tradition the proposed workshop tries to bring together developers, coders, researchers and other contributors working on SUSI.AI to address the following question: “Where is SUSI in the AI”? During the workshop the participants are invited to show and share how SUSI (standing for the social in terms of social biases, user imaginations, gender relations, developers’ own desires, or something else that is important for the SUSI.AI team) actually figures in the design process and how they deal with SUSI/ or hope to deal with SUSI in the future. While the workshop mainly invites contributors working on SUSI.AI, it is open to developers working on similar AI projects as well.

18:05 - 18:55

I will present Common Voice, Mozilla's crowdsourcing project to create resources for speech recognition in multiple languages. Participants will also be able to listen to recordings of others who have contributed their voices and evaluate them using the project interface (this is a good way of engaging with shyer participants). I will encourage speakers of languages not already covered by the project to submit a request for their language and help Common Voice increase the number of languages covered.I will encourage participants to continue recording their voices after the event and to take the message back to their own communities. I will also encourage them to tweet, blog and use other means of dissemination to raise awareness and increase the crowdsourcing effort, initiating a 'I've contributed my voice, have you?' campaign.I will use busy periods to talk to participants as a group, explaining the technology background, dissemination strategy, and language and digital inclusion. I will also use busy periods to demo the voices already recorded to any groups gathering around, showing how to evaluate the voices, initiate discussion and obtain group feedback on issues arising.    

19:00 - 20:55

Participants will learn about basic machine learning algorithms such as linear regression and build a single layer perceptron to improve the performance of the linear regression model.

Participants will learn how Python can be used to automate common tasks and program a simple text-based game. We will cover data types, conditionals, loops, data structures and functions.

Participants will learn about MongoDB, a cross platform document-oriented NoSQL database system. They will connect to MongoDB using the PyMongo API to perform common operations.

Participants will learn about relational databases through SQLite, a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine which is the most widely deployed database in the world. Both single and multi-table (with normalization) scenarios will be covered. Participants will connect to SQLite using the Python sqlite3 standard library module to perform common operations.

Sunday, 17th Mar

09:00 - 10:00

FOSSASIA and OpnTec have created a lot of projects, run many events, collaborated with people around the world. Lots to talk about. What do you want to know? Ask me/us anything just before the sessions start.

10:00 - 10:25

With the advancement of technology in database there has been a debate among developers to use SQL or NoSQL databases. Both of these have their own pros and cons. Their usage mainly depends on the type of application the developer is looking forward to build. The pros and cons of both these architecture and their applications will explained. Moreover case studies will be presented which will help the audience understand the differences and also the implementation of the same.

Continuous testing is an important aspect of DevOps. It is primarily related to Verification & Validation.

Verification – Are we building the product right?Validation – Are we building the right product?

With Agile principle in place, when we release a Minimum Viable Product to the customers, we get a feedback that helps us with validation. While validation is important and the core emphasis of practices like DoD, Acceptance criteria, System Demo.

What is equally important is to have a scientific way to verify that we are building the product right. Let us evaluate the relevance of code-coverage based verification at system testing. While code coverage is extensively used during unit testing phase, rarely do we use this technique at system testing.

Code Coverage Based Verification (CCBV) will help us accomplish1. Test suite comprehensiveness2. Reduction in technical debt

In addition to this, it will also help us with1. E2E Requirement traceability matrix (RTM)2. Regression test suite preparation

10:00 - 11:15

Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any conference participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, software, hardware, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to join you! Whatever you bring, make it quick!

Link to lightning talks:

10:30 - 10:55

The database engine is one of the basic building block of any application. What choices are available and what criteria should be considered. Besides technical considerations, this talk will also highlight some non-technical aspects to keep in mind.

10:30 - 11:15

Kubernetes scales and manages stateless applications quite easily. Stateful applications can require more work. Databases, caching systems, and file stores are harder to dynamically manage with data intact, and sometimes come with their own notion of clustering. Operators are Kubernetes agents that know how to deploy, scale, manage, backup, and even upgrade complex, stateful applications.

This talk will provide an update on the Operator pattern introduced by CoreOS, adopted by many community projects like Rook, Prometheus, and others, and supported by this spring’s release of the Operator Framework by Red Hat. With an understanding of Operators in place, the session will go on to detail the Operator Framework and its main components, the Operator SDK and the Lifecycle management backplane.

10:30 - 12:25

Not ready to take the exams just yet? Linux Professional Institute will be offering an exam preparation session on Sunday, March 17, 2019. Learn more about the importance and understanding the objectives, exam structure, and why obtaining any of your certifications will be professionally beneficial. Come prepared with questions! Register here

11:00 - 11:25

We manage over 9,000 servers and 3,000 MySQL servers.

In one game, 800,000 QPS in database.

I will explain what the game company wants for MySQL.

Now, game companies are increasingly using PaaS(for example AWS Aurora).

I would like people to come and listen to these stories.

11:15 - 12:00

Immutable infrastructure is a way to success, but what about the lifecycle of individual resources. This talk is about the evolution of resources, code structure, Terraform coding tricks, composition, and refactoring.

11:15 - 12:05

How is the state of FOSS around the world? Open Techies from across the globe share their insights.

11:30 - 11:55

The upcoming version of PolarDB will support parallel execution of an SQL query. In this presentation we will show how query execution times may be significantly improved by using multiple threads to scan a table or index in parallel. Each thread will be able to do filtering and aggregation in order to reduce the amount of data to be processed by the query coordinator. We will discuss which type of queries will benefit from this feature, and present results that shows performance and scalability characteristics. We will also show how to control the degree of parallelism for a query and discuss other aspects of tuning of parallel queries.

11:55 - 12:20

In this session, we will give a introduction of PolarDB, which is a  a cloud native database available on Alicloud. PolarDB separates the computing layer from a shared storage layer. This design allows the storage space to automatically scale according to usage. The computing layer adopts a a single master - multiple read only replica architecture, and scaling up a compute node or adding a replica only takes a few minutes.  The computing nodes and storage nodes  are connected with a high-speed network and use the RDMA protocol to execute data transmissions, resulting into I/O performance never being a bottleneck again.

12:00 - 12:45
In any observability stack, the “last mile” of metrics, or application metrics, can often be the hardest to get. Platforms expose a variety of different metrics about the underlying performance of the hardware (virtualized or otherwise), but may not easily expose and collect application level metrics to understand the performance of our application code. In this talk, we will cover:

  • The open source project Prometheus for exposing and collecting metrics.
  • How Prometheus democratizes metric collection by creating a standard way of adding metrics to code, exposing the metrics for collection, and collection and storage of these metrics.
  • Graphing and reporting of application metrics with Grafana.
  • Solutions for long term storage of Prometheus metrics.

Attendees will learn how to implement performance metrics for their own code base, and how Prometheus (along with Open Metrics) has become the standard for exposing application level metrics.

12:05 - 12:50

You have heard that having a GitHub profile can help when job hunting. Is it true? How can you get started? What if you don’t have the time?

You are hiring to fill a position, and you have two great candidates. One has a robust history of working in open source, and the other has no history at all. Is this an easy choice?

This session will look at the implications of working in open source, from the perspectives of both the candidate and the hiring manager. Individuals will come away with an understanding of how open source participation affects their hireability, how they can get started, and what to do when active participation is challenging. Hiring managers will come away with an understanding of how to evaluate the open source work of potential candidates, how to evaluate candidates with no history, and how requiring an open source footprint creates harmful bias.

13:15 - 13:40

Insurance giants and startups alike are attempting to use blockchain solutions to prevent insurance fraud, digitally track medical records, and more.

Each step in this collaborative process represents a potential point of failure in the overall system, where information can be lost, policies misinterpreted, and settlement times lengthened.

While the blockchain has been subject to extreme hype, its true killer applications are likely to be in some of the most antiquated fields out there. And it has the capability to be a transformative force for industries like insurance, which requires the coordination and cooperation of many different intermediaries with different incentives.

It’s too early to tell whether blockchain can overcome the legal and regulatory hurdles to become a default standard in the insurance industry. But the possibilities are endless, and insurance companies and startups alike are exploring insurance applications for the blockchain full-throttle.

These include:

1. Fraud detection and risk prevention: By moving insurance claims onto an immutable ledger, blockchain can help eliminate common sources of fraud in the insurance industry.

2. Property & casualty (P&C) insurance: A shared ledger and insurance policies executed through smart contracts can bring an order of magnitude improvement in efficiency to property and casualty insurance.

3. Health insurance: Through the blockchain, medical records can be cryptographically secured and shared between health providers, increasing interoperability in the health insurance ecosystem.

4. Reinsurance: By securing reinsurance contracts on the blockchain through smart contracts, the blockchain can simplify the flow of information and payments between insurers and reinsurers.

13:20 - 13:45

The long-term survival of your business depends upon what people feel about it. And, it's an emotional connection that you do have control over. By taking greater consideration of how customers interact with your business and making that experience smarter, faster, or happier; you're solidifying long-term gains, today.

Now, you've been successful to find a profitable market fit for your product and service. Yet, revenue growth has stalled and you're trying to reach the next level. Through this session, you'll learn how to step back from stalling and find a transformational path for your organization and its customers through a customer journey.

Target audience: Organization leaders, Happiness seekers, Entrepreneurs, Client-facing people

13:30 - 13:55

At Adjust we have around 4PB of data in PostgreSQL in various forms with many new offerings reaching the big data stage where scaling up is no longer the best option.  This talk is a basic tour around various approaches we take to different environments.  It does not go into deep discussion in any single environment but aims to show how big data techniques can be applied to open source RDBMSs to create scalable data environments.   This talk is suitable for all audiences.

Fedora Silverblue is an immutable desktop operating system. Aiming atgood support for container-focused workflows, this variant of FedoraWorkstation targets developer communities.Fedora Silverblue unleashes the power of rpm-ostree to reap you thebenefits over traditional distros. The use of rpm-ostree for the coreOS brings fully atomic upgrades, easy rollbacks and workflows that arefamiliar from OSTree-based servers. An OS image that is composed onthe server side allows for testing the exact bits before they reachclient systems, leading to more reliable updates.Moving desktop applications into Flatpak brings stronger isolation andsolves longstanding issues with using yum/dnf for desktopapplications, such as the fact that upgrading deletes the filesunderneath the running application and often breaks it.Through this talk, I'll demo on how I've been using Fedora Silverblueas my primary workstation, and you could too!

This talk will demonstrate the methods to build a Professional Tool Kit and lead a successful career in tech.

13:45 - 14:10

Smart Contracts are self-executing contracts, implemented in Computer code on a blockchain. They are immutable, tend to control asset flows and can be a major security risk.

Over the last 18 months, I have audited more than 20 complex smart contract systems. In this talk, I argue for smart contracts to be published as open source and their audits to be made public.

I highlight a number of high-profile security incidents, how they could have been prevented, and how open source significantly increases the security of smart contracts.

I also provide an insight into the auditing process and common mishaps.

13:50 - 14:25

People often speak about THE open source community but there are actually many open source communities which differ in a number of ways, including aspects related to technology, processes, governance and philosophy. Each open source community has its own culture and norms. In this talk, we'll talk about open source culture and community norms and discuss how to get started contributing to open source. I'll use Debian as an example of one open source community but the lessons learned will be applicable to other projects.