Get your Ticket now. Let's celebrate 10 years FOSSASIA in Singapore!
Choose from different options for business, community, and academics. Hall passes are available too!
Check out the schedule here.
Learn about the tracks and sessions about Cloud, DevOps, AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Open Hardware, Science, Web, Mobile and much more.
Topics and Tracks

Personal Voice Assistants and Artificial Intelligence
Learn about natural language processing, how to build skills and actions for voice assistants or how to create your own Open Source chatbots in the Artificial Intelligence deep technology track. Join sessions covering Bot Framework, Tensorflow, Dataprep and more.

Cloud, Container, DevOps
Get better insights in how to deploy apps on the cloud more efficiently and save your company money. Sessions in the Cloud, Containers, DevOps track cover Kubernetes, Serverless Architecture, Microservices, Docker Kompose, Omnibus, OpenStack, Virtual Kubelet, and Continuous Integration.

Meet developers and startups working on the blockchain to create solutions for distributed computing, cloud services and Fintech in the Blockchain track.

Find out how to keep your services secure in the Cybersecurity track. The track has sessions about Encryption with PGP, SELinux, Secrets Management, Backups, QubesOS, Securing Web and Javascript apps.

Web & Mobile
What technologies will we need for the Conversational Web? How will existing technologies change and what else is happening in tech for web and mobile platforms? A wide variety of topics are covered in the Web Technologies and Mobile Technologies track with talks and workshops about JS frameworks, PWA, Android, Web VR and AR.

Hardware, Design and Production
The FOSSASIA Open Tech Summit covers topics from software to hardware and knowledge. These are the ingredients for production. We have a dedicated track on Hardware & Design. Apart from technical topics speakers will share their experience from making prototype to going to large scale production and working with mass manufacturers.

Open Data, Internet Society, Community
More and more governments, companies and citizens share data for the benefit of the society. What are the use cases for Open data? What possibilities do we have for a truly free society in the times of tracking devices and supervision technologies, how to keep communities engaged in Free and Open Source development? These are some of the questions in the Open Data, Internet, and Community track.

Meet developers of PostgreSQL, MySQL, Apache Spark, MariaDB and NoSQL projects and learn how to save your company money with Open Source database solutions in the Database track. Specific topics include Scaling TB of data, Real-time data masking, Replication Features, Performance Schema, BigQuery, and Immutable Key-Value Stores.

Kernel & Platform
The Kernel & Platform track covers topics from the Linux Kernel to BSD and desktop systems such as Meilix or applications like VLC. Learn about BSD network servers, Hacking with x86 Windows Tablets, Asynchronous integration of GPU computing with HPX many task processing, Unikernelized Linux, Open Build Service in Debian, and Learn C from the trenches.

Science Tech and Education
Science needs to be open and verifiable. As more and more tools are available to a larger part of the population the chance to become a scientist or simply to participate in citizen science increases. What tools exist? What hardware is available? How to do science hands-on with Open Source software and hardware? The Science Tech and Education track covers it.

Open Science and Open Data Hackathon with UNESCO
In the FOSSASIA Hackathon developers, designers, tech contributors, bloggers, and journalists join in to develop Open Data apps and games for sustainable development and indigenous languages using FOSSASIA technologies.
Featured Speakers

Bunnie Huang
Chibitronics PTE LTDBunnie is best known for his work hacking the Microsoft Xbox, as well as for his efforts in designing and manufacturing open source hardware, including the chumby (app-playing alarm clock), chibitronics (teaching electronics through arts and crafts), and Novena (DIY laptop).

Mitch Altman
Open Hardware CreatorMitch Altman is a San Francisco-based hacker and inventor, best known for inventing TV-B-Gone, as featured speaker at hacker conferences, as international expert on the hackerspace movement, and for teaching introductory electronics workshops.

Dr Koh tat Suan
Director ofLifelong Learning InstituteHe oversees the management of the Lifelong Learning Institute and supports the Lifelong Learning Council to promote lifelong learning mindset among Singaporeans under the SkillsFuture. He has been a public service officer for nearly 38 years.

Shanker V Selvadurai
Vice President of IBM Asia PacificHe leads the technical organization that helps clients across Asia Pacific to explore and co-create cloud based solutions that leverage data, analytics and AI capabilities. Prior to joining IBM, he held key positions in areas of research, development,sales and marketing.

Duane O'Brien
Head of Open Source at Indeed.comDuane is passionate about enabling smart and meaningful contributions to the open source ecosystem. He navigates the path between engineering and management, drawing on both his experience as a developer.

Lim Tit Meng
CEO Science Centre, Vice Dean NUSAs the CEO of Science Centre and Vice Dean of NUS Mr Lim Tit Meng promotes STEM as an engine for knowledge-based innovation economy; engages stake holders to share the mission and champions creative science communication.

Sindhu Chengad
Head OSS Lead at MicrosoftSindhu Chengad heads the open source business for Microsoft's Asia Pacific region. She is responsible for defining Microsoft’s open source strategy and for growing the cloud business in the APAC region through key partnerships.

Rahul Akolkar
Worldwide Technical Sales Leader, Data Science and AI at IBMRahul's work has been featured in a US Super Bowl advertisement and has helped Olympic athletes. Rahul has contributed to numerous open source projects and standards. He is an elected Member of the Apache Software Foundation.

Michael Christen
SUSI.AIMichael is the founder of SUSI AI, loklak and, the creator of the P2P Search engine YaCy. He is a Big Data Engineer consulting for some of the largest corporate players in Germany on search engine technology.

Sachin Shridhar
Customer Success Pivotal SoftwareSachin is responsible for APAC and Japan in the CSO group, which takes care of all technical services including Solution Architecture, Implementation, Delivery, Consulting and Education.

Jollen Chen
Creator FlowchainJollen is the creator and lead of Flowchain, an open source based IoT blockchain solutions. His research interests are the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and IoT data security.

Colin Charles
Managing Consultant at GrokOpenColin was on the founding team of MariaDB Server, and has been around the MySQL ecosystem including being an early employee at MySQL, and worked actively on the Fedora and projects.

Davide Storti
FOSS Programme Manager at UNESCODavide Storti leads the YouthMobile initiative, which aims at inspiring young girls and boys to drive technological innovation by acquiring the skills and confidence to code and develop mobile apps for sustainable development.

Misako Ito
Advisor at UNESCOShe is responsible for UNESCO’s Communication and Information programme in the Mekong countries and coordinates the UNESCO Memory of the World programme for safeguarding the documentary heritage in Asia and the Pacific.

Hong Phuc
Co-founder FOSSASIAHong Phuc Dang co-founded FOSSASIA in 2009 as a community devoted to improving people’s lives through sharing Open Technologies and fostering global connections. She especially wanted to encourage developers from Asia to participate in the FOSS movement.

Mario Behling
CEO of OpntecHe is a technologist with 15 years of experience in leading international development teams in Europe, Asia and India. He helped to get FOSSASIA started and works with the community on SUSI.AI and Open Hardware solutions like Pocket Science Lab.

Michael Cheng
FacebookLawyer. Raspberry Pi/GPIO Fanatic. Currently supporting open source program office at Facebook. Former IT sysadmin, investment banker and high school dropout. Born in Taiwan. Currently based in the US. Spent 10+ years in China, Thailand, Japan, Myanmar and Hong Kong.

Harish Pillay
Red HatHarish Pillay serves as Head of Community Architecture and Leadership at Red Hat, Inc. and served as its Chief Technology Architect of South Asia. He co-founded the Linux Users' Group Singapore in 1993.He has been a Trustee of Internet Society since June 18, 2016.

Dr Graham Williams
Data Science Director at MicrosoftGraham is as a practitioner and researcher in areas of health, banking, insurance, finance, taxation, immigration, and many more. He has lead projects in data mining since the 1980’s.

Matthew Treinish
IBM ResearchMatthew has been working on and contributing to Open Source software. He currently works for IBM Research developing open source software for quantum computing. He was previously the PTL (project technical lead) of the OpenStack community's QA program.

Jonas von Malottki
DiamlerJonas is shaping the Blockchain and DLT activities from the technology perspective within Daimler. He holds a Diploma in Computer Science and Japanese Studies from University of Bonn. Main focus topics were Metadata and Data Quality as well as Neural Networks. He is a member of the Governing Board of Hyperledger.

Masafumi Ohta
Raspberry Pi FoundationMasafumi is leading Raspberry Pi community in Japan and volunteering Raspberry Pi Foundation from farthest east country, Japan. He has helping their business and encourage Raspberry Pi related projects with Raspberry Pi Foundation. Masafumi has elected ARM INNOVATOR by in Japan.

Michael Downey
United Nations FoundationHe is the Director of Community for the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) Open Source Center, an initiative of the United Nations Foundation. The Center is a collaborative community promoting knowledge sharing, collaboration, and co-investment in technology around the world.

Sanjeev K Biswas
Singapore Press HoldingsSanjeev has over 19 years of experience in the software industry. He did his BTech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Kharagpur. He has been at Adobe Systems for 13 years and has worked as a Lead Architect for many initiatives. He has 23 issued USA Patents.

Carsten Haitzler
ARMHe is also known as Raster or Rasterman to the open source community, best known for initiating and leading the development of the Enlightenment window manager.

Michael Ducy
Director of Community & Evangelism for SysdigHe is responsible for growing adoption of Sysdig’s open source solutions. Previously,he worked at Chef where he held a variety of roles helping customers and community members leverage Chef’s open source and paid solutions.

Mete Atamel
Developer Advocate at GoogleMete is a long-time Java and C# developer, he likes to compare the two ecosystems. Prior to Google, he worked at Microsoft, Skype, Adobe, EMC, and Nokia building apps and services on various web, mobile and cloud platforms.

Stephen Frost
Crunchy Data SolutionsAs a PostgreSQL major contributor and committer,he implemented roles support in 8.1 to replace the existing user/group system, SQL column-level privileges in 8.4, and Row Level Security scheduled to be released with PostgreSQL 9.5.

Øystein Grøvlen
Alibaba CloudBefore joining Alibaba, Øystein worked for 10 years in the MySQL optimizer team at Sun/Oracle. At Sun Microsystems, he was also a contributor on the Apache Derby project and Sun's Architectural Lead on Java DB.

Felipe Hoffa
Software Engineer at GoogleIn 2011, he moved from Chile to San Francisco to join Google as a Software Engineer. Since 2013 he's been a Developer Advocate on big data - to inspire developers around the world to leverage the Google Cloud Platform tools. You can find him in several YouTube videos and blog posts.

Andrea Frittoli
Developer Advocate at IBMHe has contributed to OpenStack for several years, with focus in Quality Engineering and CI/CD, with the role of Project Technical Lead of the QA Program for one year. He's a strong advocate for transparency in open source. He likes working on IaaS projects as well as machine learning.

Masayuki Igawa
SUSEMasayuki Igawa is a software engineer for over 20 years on a wide range of software projects, and developing open source software related to Linux kernel and virtualization. He currently works for SUSE.

Ilya Verbitskiy
Founder of WebStoating s.r.oAs a software engineer and software development manager in finance and e-commerce sectors, Ilya gained more than 10 years of experience. He is the founder of WebStoating s.r.o., an agency helping companies to create a successful online business.

Martin Michlmayr
Debian developerHe is currently president of Software in the Public Interest.He completed a doctorate at the University of Cambridge. The focus of this research was on quality improvement in free software and open source projects, and particularly on release management processes.

Norbert Preining
TeX Live Team, FOSSASIAMathematician and Logician by education, he is now working in the Research and Development lab of Accelia, Inc, Tokyo. His core interests are mathematical logic, computer science, machine learning, AI, security, software verification and specification.

Aurélien Géron
Founder of KiwisoftHe is the author of the best-selling book "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow" (O'Reilly, 2017). A former Googler, he led YouTube's video classification team from 2013 to 2016. He also founded Wifirst, a leading Wireless ISP in France. He recently founded, a ML consulting & training firm.

G. Matthew Rice
Linux Professional InstituteMatthew is a technical and management lead in the development of the world class Linux Professional certification program of LPI.

Michael Bright
@mjbright ConsultingMichael is an independent trainer/consultant on Cloud Native (Docker, Kubernetes, Micro-services, Serverless, Unikernels) with more than 30 years of experience in IT and Telecom as Researcher, Developer, pre-sales and Delivery consultant, Developer Advocate.

Andrew Lee
Software Developer at CollaboraAndrew Lee (Hualian, Taiwan) – an active Open Source Liaison focusing on the Debian and LXDE Projects. He created various localization related packages in Red Hat, Mandrake, and Debian distros.He works as a software developer in the Build and Infrastructure team at Collabora.

Ong Khai Wei
IBMKhai Wei focuses on helping start-ups and enterprise in technical solution architect and design of applications towards cloud across multiple technologies - Blockchain, Kubernetes, and DevOps. He supports enterprises in adopting open source technology such as Hyperledger Fabric.

Roland Turner
TrustSphereHe is Chief Privacy Officer for TrustSphere where he is responsible for the company's information policy and practices. He is a HackerspaceSG founding member and FOSSASIA organiser, holds a Computer Science degree from UTS.

Hamish Coleman
Dim Sum LabsHamish has always liked to bend hardware to his will, which led to a career as a Sys Admin and means that he is always trying to understand what is inside the black box. His quest has continued to drive his tinkering with software and hardware.

Remi DenisCourmont
VideoLANHe is a long-time open-source developer, and largest contributor to the VLC media player project

Jason Zaman
Gentoo LinuxJason Zaman is a Gentoo Linux developer and maintains the SELinux policies and userspace libraries. He is also an upstream maintainer on the SELinuxProject and Community Lead on TensorFlow's SIG-Build.

François Cartegnie
VideoLANJoined VideoLAN in 2009 and became one of the main VLC developers.Working on demuxers and codecs (most media formats that goes in or out) side of VLC media player.

Paul Hamilton
South West MakersHe is a co-founder of the South West Makers. Paul has given talks on using Open Source software in Local Government and various Raspberry Pi hardware projects including some that have been presented at the Shenzhen Makers Faire.

Michael Cannon
AxelerantAdventurous water-rat, Peichi's happy man, Chief Success Officer @Axelerant, Drusus & Jace's baba, whole-self enabler, ex-bomb squad, and million-mile traveler

Mishari Muqbil
Zymple.bizMishari Muqbil is based in Thailand where he runs his company. He is participating in the Open Source community since 1990s. He is also a homeschool dad.

Philip Paeps
FreeBSD FoundationPhilip Paeps (“Trouble”) is an independent consultant and contractor based in Belgium. He provides research and development on low-level software and operating systems, particularly in an embedded or real-time context.

Gerry Demaret
FOSDEMGerry is a system and network administrator by day, and a conference organizer by night. He is one of the main organizers of FOSDEM, the largest free and open source conference in Europe.He currently serves as the director of the not-for-profit behind the conference.

Ayush Arora
Coding BlocksAayush is a field Marshal of Frontend Applications,MIT Bootcamper graduate. He has always been a prominent voice for FOSSASIA during GSoC and has been contributing continuously to the growth of the other communities.

Chris Travers
Adjust GmbHChris Travers has nearly three decades of IT and programming experience and has been around PostgreSQL for nearly two decades. He heads the database team at Adjust GmbH, has contributed to the PostgreSQL core codebase.
Exhibition Program
March 14 - 17 (+13), 2019
Lifelong Learning Institute, Exhibition Halls, Floor 1+2
Wednesday, March 13, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Exhibition Setup
4:00 PM Exhibition Setup
7:00 PM Exhibition Area Closes -
Thursday, March 14, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM Exhibition, Fair, VIP Tour
8:00 AM Exhibitors Setup
12:30 PM Exhibition Doors Open
1:00 PM Welcome Snacks
2:00 PM VIP Tour at Exhibition
6:00 PM Exhibition Doors Close -
Friday, March 15, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Exhibition, Codeheat Ceremony, Hackathon
9:30 AM Exhibitors Breakfast Snacks
10:00 AM Exhibition Doors Open
6:00 Exhibition Doors Close
12:00 PM Exhibitors on Stage
2:00 PM CodeHeat Award Ceremony (Floor 2)
3:00 PM Hackathon Opening (Floor 2)
4:00 PM Happy Hour Booth-Hop
6:00 PM Exhibition Doors Close
10:00 PM Hackathon Day Ends -
Saturday, March 16, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Exhibition, Exhibitors Stage, Group Photo, Hackathon
8:00 AM Hackathon Continues
9:30 AM Exhibitors Breakfast Snacks
10:00 AM Exhibition Doors Open
12:00 PM Event Group Photo
12:30 PM Exhibitors on Stage
6:00 PM Exhibition Doors Close
10:00 PM Hackathon Day Ends -
Sunday, March 17, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Exhibition, Exhibitors Stage, Hackathon End
8:00 AM Hackathon Continues
9:30 AM Exhibitors Breakfast Snacks
10:00 AM Exhibition Doors Open
12:00 PM Exhibitors on Stage
4:00 PM Exhibition Ends
Until 7:00 PM - Teardown
Conference Program
March 14 - 17 (+18), 2019
Lifelong Learning Institute, Event Halls Floor 2+3
Thursday, March 14, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Conference Opening with VIP guests
8:30 AM Registration
9:30 AM Conference Opening
10:45 AM Coffee Break
11:20 AM Keynotes
12:45 PM Lunch Break
2:00 PM Conference Program
5:30 PM Sessions End -
Friday, March 15, 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM Keynotes, Business and Technology Tracks
10:00 AM Keynote Sessions and Technology Tracks
12:00 PM Business Lunch (Invitation)
6:30 PM Sessions End -
Saturday, March 16, 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM Keynotes, Technology Tracks, Group Photo and Hackathon with UNESCO
10:00 AM Keynotes and Technology Tracks
12:00 PM Event Group Photo
6:30 PM Sessions End -
Sunday, March 17, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Technology Tracks, Workshops, Hackathon Prizes, Closing Ceremony
10:00 AM Technology Tracks
2:30 PM Hackathon Pitches
3:30 PM Hackathon Awards
4:00 PM Closing Session
5:00 PM Event Ends -
Monday, March 18, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM FOSSASIA After-Summit Workshops
9:30 Welcome Breakfast and Intro
10:00 AM Workshops for SUSI.AI and PSLab start
12:30 PM Community Lunch
1:30 PM Workshops Continue
5:00 PM Workshops End
Social Events Program
March 13 - 18, 2019
Singapore City
Wednesday, March 13, 3:00 PM-10:00 PM FOSSASIA Meet & Greet
Join the FOSSASIA Speakers and Attendees Meet & Greet, meet the local tech scene, explore Singapore in a Culture and Exploration Afternoon, and enjoy the taste of Asia at a local dinner at Lau Pa Sat.
Thursday, March 14, 7:00 PM Welcome Get Together
7:30 PM Tech Gathering with Speakers and Exhibitors
Friday, March 15, 7:00 AM Cultural Morning Tour to Merlion Statue and View of Marina Bay
7:30 AM Let's meet up in the morning and visit the famous Singapore Merlion Status and Marina Bay
Friday, March 15, 7:30 PM Chinatown Snacks and Clarke
Quay Pub Crawl7:30 PM Let's meet up in Chinatown for Snacks and have a Clarke Quay Pub Crawl
Saturday, March 16 7:00 PM 10 Years FOSSASIA Party with Buffet, Live Music, Indian Dance & Cultural Program
7:30 PM Join us for a Social Event with Live Music and Cultural Highlights! Indian dance, magic, music, Karaoke and much more! (Business Partners, Speakers Reception, Social Event Ticket Passes)
Sunday, March 17, 8:30 PM Dim Sums and Midnight Hacks
8:30 PM After-Event Dim Sum and Midnight City Hack Lounge
Monday, March 18, 12:30 PM Community Lunch
12:30 PM Community Lunch with Yummy Local Singapore Food
Schedule Roster
Thursday, March 14 | Friday, March 15 | Saturday, March 16 | Sunday, March 17 | |||||||||
Morning | Afternoon | Morning | Afternoon | Evening | Morning | Afternoon | Evening | Morning | Afternoon | |||
Event hall 1-1 (GF) | Exhibition + Lounge + Coffee | Exhibition + Lounge + Coffee | ||||||||||
Event Hall 1-2 (GF) | Community Stage: Exhibitors Showcases | Community Stage: Open Data / Internet / Community | Community Stage: Exhibitors Showcases | |||||||||
Training room 1-1/1-2 (GF) | Exhibition / Hands-on | Exhibition / Hands-on | Exhibition / Hands-on | |||||||||
Event hall 2-1 (Fl 2) | Cloud & AI Workshops | ML & Artificial Intelligence | Python ML Workshop | ML & Artificial Intelligence | ML Workshop | Linux Exam Prep | ||||||
Event hall 2-2 (Fl 2) | Hackathon Stage | |||||||||||
Training room 2-1 (Fl 2) | Web Technologies | VueJS Workshop | Database / MySQL | Database / MongoDB | Database / PostgreSQL + Others | |||||||
Training room 2-2 (Fl 2) | Web and Mobile | SUSI.AI Workshop | Hardware and Design | Database / SQLite | Cloud, Container, DevOps | |||||||
Lecture Theatre (Fl 2/3) | Opening / Feature Track | Cloud, Container, DevOps | Cloud, Container, DevOps | Open Data / Internet / Community | Hackathon Awards / Closing | |||||||
Theatre Lounge (Fl 3) | Kernel and Platform | Python Workshop | Python ML Workshop | Cloud, Container, DevOps | Python Workshop | Blockchain | ||||||
Training room 9-1 (Fl 9) | Database / MongoDB | Science Education | Social Event | |||||||||
Training room 9-2/9-3 (Fl 9) | Database / SQLite | Cybersecurity | ||||||||||
Event Entrance Hall | 12:00 Group Photo |

OpenTech Hackathon with UNESCO
Fri March 15 - Sun March 17
Developers, designers, tech contributors, bloggers, and journalists celebrate 10 years FOSSASIA in the OpenTech Hackathon! Awesome prizes are waiting for you! Tickets are free. Number of registrants is limited.
Sign up HereFOSSASIA Academy with BuildingBloCS Code Labs Workshops and International Speakers
BuildingBloCS and FOSSASIA are excited to announce free technology workshops for the community taking place at the FOSSASIA Summit 2019 evenings on Friday, March 15 and Saturday, March 16 as well as Saturday morning. Workshops include Introduction to Python, VueJS, Databases, Machine Learning with Python and Creating Skills with SUSI.AI.
Please sign up through the form to reserve your slot in the workshops itself.
Sign up here Workshops Schedule
Volunteer at FOSSASIA Summit!
Volunteering is a great learning opportunity for community members who enjoy exploring how things work behind the scene, make new friends and get better connections with open source project teams. FOSSASIA conducts skill and knowledge trainings prior the event to help volunteers familiarize with various roles including video recording, moderating, ticketing, writing etc. Join the FOSSASIA Volunteer Team for a fun and memorable experience.
Volunteer RegistrationFOSSASIA OpenTechNights
In the FOSSASIA OpenTechNights program we are inviting Free and Open Source (FOSS) contributors to FOSSASIA projects to apply for a free stay in a Singapore hostel and a free ticket to the event. All you have to do is convince us, that you are an awesome contributor in the FOSSASIA community.
Apply Here


Hong Phuc Dang
Mario Behling
Harish Pillay
Internet Society
Roland Turner
Justin Lee
Open Source Community Leader
DENG Zhi Wei (Kiwi)
Hardware Lead FOSSASIA
Daniel Blueman
Nayana Adassuriya
Marco A. Gutierrez
Lorenz Gerber
Noah Chen
Gi Soong Chee
Dunman High School
Thorsten Neumann
Founder & CTO, SmartPesa
Victoria Purynova
Seoul Tech Society
Eden Jade
Program and Event Manager
Philip Paeps
The FreeBSD Foundation
Join us at the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit
in March 2019 in Singapore!
Don't Wait, Get your tickets right now
FOSSASIA Summit'19
Oh, invite your friends too